Jetson nano chromium cause stack smashing

Good day to all
We are are developers that are using Jetson Nano in our project (Jetpack 4.6.1, EMMC,)
Model NX215 from Avermedia

Out application uncludes camera(we are using Gstreamer) serial communication etc, and chromium browser that we are calling with following options:

chromium-browser", “http://localhost:3000/”, “–kiosk”, “–no-sandbox”, “–disable-web-security”, “–disable-gpu”, "–user-data-dir=~/chromeTemp

If we call this from our c++ application - in 1-2 minutes we are receiving following message:
“stack smashing detected”

After that camera stop works, application works unstable

How to remove this error from chromium, thank you!

I’ve seen that on chromium on a desktop amd64 PC as well. It is possible that the environment changes that issue, but a bug report shows it is related to the particular compiler:

I don’t think the Ubuntu 18.04 maintenance people would rebuild this if Ubuntu 18.04 is no longer maintained, but the basic cure would be to rebuild with clang-13 or clang-14 (according to the bug report).

Another similar report, but on ARM:

Thank you
Could you please send me the guide how to build it for clang-14 or 13 on my Jetson? Thank you

This is something I couldn’t answer. I imagine there are a lot of dependencies, and you’d have to find instructions for building on a PC. Then adapt that to the Jetson (much of it would be the same, but you’d need arm64 versions of tools). I will admit right at the start that this will be a very difficult project even on a desktop PC (if you can find specific instructions from someone, then this will be much easier, but still not easy).

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