The benchmark is based on TensorRT and FP16 inference.
You need to deploy your model with TensorRT engine operate in FP16 mode to get the best performance.
For the Nano dev kit. I recommend to use the DC power input. The usb power supply is not meet the requirement with full loaded Nano.
Using download configs , weights, tiny yolov3 is very stable.
My command line is
./darknet detector demo cfg/ cfg/yolov3-tiny.cfg yolov3-tiny.weights “rtsp://admin:admin@”
Can you please provide an example on how to get yolov3-tiny running on jetson nano ? I went through the deepstream_reference_apps and was able to get it running on my host machine but no luck on jetson. One of the things I stumbled upon is where I can find the deepstream sdk headers so I can compile the deepstream_reference_apps ?
I have the same issue for darknet. Has anyone succeed in running darknet smootly on Jetson Nano ? I compiled the darknet with GPU and OpenCV enabled. Jetson Nano just freezes when I try to detect objects using gpu. When I use with -nogpu flag, it is fine though.
I managed to run tiny-yolo on darknet on jetson nano with 18 fps on a Logitech webcam real time and got pretty decent fps this is without tensorrt.
But any one knows how to check temperature of the gpu in jetson nano because when I run yolo on darknet and when I touch the heat sink very very hot so just want to know how can I check the temperature in jetson nano. In My pc I have nvidia drivers installed so when I type nvidia-smi I get GPU memory and its temperature but in jetson nano I don’t know how can I do that any help would be great.
If anyone wants my working darknet tiny-yolo code I can provide you the git link but I suggest you to use tensorrt because I face heating issue may be its jetson problem and you can’t run yolov3 on jetson nano I think because when I try it was getting stuck and after some time it was getting killed. So if any Nvidia member is seeing this can help me to run yolov3, not tiny-yolov3 on jetson nano it can be on tensorrt or on the darknet
$ trt-yolo-app --flagfile=/home/teric-ai/Desktop/deepstream_reference_apps/yolo/config/yolov3-tiny.txt
Loading pre-trained weights...
Loading complete!
Total Number of weights read : 8858734
layer inp_size out_size weightPtr
(1) conv-bn-leaky 3 x 416 x 416 16 x 416 x 416 496
(2) maxpool 16 x 416 x 416 16 x 208 x 208 496
(3) conv-bn-leaky 16 x 208 x 208 32 x 208 x 208 5232
(4) maxpool 32 x 208 x 208 32 x 104 x 104 5232
(5) conv-bn-leaky 32 x 104 x 104 64 x 104 x 104 23920
(6) maxpool 64 x 104 x 104 64 x 52 x 52 23920
(7) conv-bn-leaky 64 x 52 x 52 128 x 52 x 52 98160
(8) maxpool 128 x 52 x 52 128 x 26 x 26 98160
(9) conv-bn-leaky 128 x 26 x 26 256 x 26 x 26 394096
(10) maxpool 256 x 26 x 26 256 x 13 x 13 394096
(11) conv-bn-leaky 256 x 13 x 13 512 x 13 x 13 1575792
(12) maxpool 512 x 13 x 13 512 x 13 x 13 1575792
(13) conv-bn-leaky 512 x 13 x 13 1024 x 13 x 13 6298480
(14) conv-bn-leaky 1024 x 13 x 13 256 x 13 x 13 6561648
(15) conv-bn-leaky 256 x 13 x 13 512 x 13 x 13 7743344
(16) conv-linear 512 x 13 x 13 255 x 13 x 13 7874159
(17) yolo 255 x 13 x 13 255 x 13 x 13 7874159
(18) route - 256 x 13 x 13 7874159
(19) conv-bn-leaky 256 x 13 x 13 128 x 13 x 13 7907439
(20) upsample 128 x 13 x 13 128 x 26 x 26 -
(21) route - 384 x 26 x 26 7907439
(22) conv-bn-leaky 384 x 26 x 26 256 x 26 x 26 8793199
(23) conv-linear 256 x 26 x 26 255 x 26 x 26 8858734
(24) yolo 255 x 26 x 26 255 x 26 x 26 8858734
Output blob names :
Using previously generated plan file located at data/yolov3-tiny-kFLOAT-kGPU-batch1.engine
Loading TRT Engine...
Loading Complete!
Total number of images used for inference : 1
[======================================================================] 100 %
Network Type : yolov3-tiny Precision : kFLOAT Batch Size : 1 Inference time per image : 216.834 ms
how can I run tensorrt on video or on image there was no documation how to run it when i run on darknet i am getting Inference time per image : 150 ms just want to check is tensorrt fast or darknet
First of all, I don’t have that much experience in lightweight-yolov3 but I have work on yolov3-tiny and got around 13 to 15 fps on 1920x1080 video which was live streaming and If I decrease the vidoe resolution the fps increase. Can you describe how many layers does lightweight-yolov3 using and what is the git repo because we have 4 lightweight repo just share the layers and I will let you know even if possible give you the optimized git so you can give it a try
well, by saying lightweight I meant yolov3-tiny. I’m also new to neural network systems. I used the official repo for yolov3 and compiled with CUDA and OpenCV flags. So, I think we are using the same settings.