@navidkhajouei sorry did not realize this earlier since this topic is in the Jetson Nano forum, but your title indicates you are using Jetson Orin Nano (moved this topic to Orin Nano forum). That DLI course and it’s container are built for the original Jetson Nano (and JetPack 4), not Orin Nano and JetPack 5. Containers built for JetPack 4 are not compatible with JetPack 5.
It sounds like you already have those DLI notebooks running ok outside of container, and that explains why. If you really want them in container, you can use nvcr.io/nvidia/l4t-ml:r35.2.1-py3
and install jetcam in them like here:
Alternatively, the Hello AI World tutorial has been updated for Orin and JetPack 5: