I’ve been playing around with my Jetson Nano and I ran the NVIDIA-AI-IOT/trt_pose_hand: Real-time hand pose estimation and gesture classification using TensorRT (github.com) example with my CSI camera
I get around 8.2FPS
I compared this with a custom built mediapipe 0.8 that includes compiled OpenGL ES support and I modified the Hands - mediapipe (google.github.io) solution to use either the CPU or the GPU and I get around 13-14FPS with the CPU version and around 40FPS with the GPU version.
That certainly surprised me a bit to see the performance difference so big…
Does anyone else have some performance statistics that they can share or any ideas what the reason may be?
I’m running
- Jetpack 4.6
- OpenCV 4.5.3 compiled from source with CUDA support
- mediapipe 0.8 compiled from source with OpenEL GPU support. I modified the hand_gesture solution to use the GPU (different graph, …)