Jetson nano use lt6911uxe streaming error

I‘m using our cutom board using NANO in R3273 to test lt6911uxe chip to realize HDMI2MIPI.
It works fine in most time, and there is a very small chance that such an error may occur, resulting in the inability to stream. (our app detect over 1s no signal will turn off streaming)。And lt6911uxe not shown any info, so I think this is related to mipi data transfer.

Reconnecting the video source or restarting the system can resolve the issue.

is this related to mipi signal? And is there any methods to avoid the occurrence of such intermittent issues?

It looks to be an issue in the camera sensor. It may fail to generate frame data intermittently. Would suggest check the hardware design and power supply of the camera.

okay I’ll check hw design and ask for lt6911uxe to see how to fix it

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