I have been using my Jetson Orin Nano for about a week and it has been working fine. Today I noticed the fan wasn’t on and I got a notification that the ‘surface was hot, do not touch’. I restarted a few times and the fan will turn on during boot but not while the Jetson is running. jtop/ jetson-stats says the fan is “Not Available” and running jetson_clocks does not do anything.
I went to update some software and I got a fail message and now I am unable to even connect to wifi. Anybody have any advice? It sort of seems like there are a lot of problems but I can’t figure out the source of the issues. Thanks!
In syslogs I found. “Cannot find all of the fan knobs during initialization”. Also “Failed to get FAN1 PWN”. Both of those errors happen during nvfancantrol. I can’t find any documentation about these online. Maybe I’ll just have to try to replace the fan.