Hi everyone,
I have a set up which consists on a Jetson Orin Nano (Jetpack version 5.1.4), connected to a Pixhawk via UART using pin 8 and 10 for “/dev/ttyTHS0” port at 921600 baudrate. I’m able to receive data to the RX pin, but not to send any request to the Pixhawk via TX pin (all my request do not reach the Pixhawk since I have no response back).
I have to note that I also followed the same diagram connection (and same cables) but using an old Jetson Nano (Jetpack 4.5.1) and I’m able to receive and send data to my Pixhawk.
So with this test I can confirm that in Jetson Orin Nano, the TX pin is not working (whereas in the old Jetson Nano it does work perfectly).
How can I fix this? Is this a hardware failed design? Do I have to set any option to enable the TX?
I also have to mention that I had to update the firmware of my Jetson Orin Nano to try JP6, but then I changed to JP5 using the Nvidia SDK (I don’t know if this has something related).