Kernel has 0 coalesced reads/writes... Profiler reveals my newbness


I have the following functioning kernel that performs the FDK (Feldkamp, Davis and, Kress) algorithm, but it runs much slower than expected.

Upon profiling the code, I find that none of the loads are coalesced… and neither are any of the stores. External Image


void kernel_fdk_regs_tex (float *dev_vol, float *dev_img, float *matrix, int2 img_dim, float2 ic, float3 nrm, float sad, float scale, float3 vol_offset, int3 vol_dim, float3 vol_pix_spacing, unsigned int Blocks_Y, float invBlocks_Y)


	unsigned int blockIdx_z = __float2uint_rd(blockIdx.y * invBlocks_Y);

	unsigned int blockIdx_y = blockIdx.y - __umul24(blockIdx_z, Blocks_Y);

	unsigned int i = __umul24(blockIdx.x, blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;

	unsigned int j = __umul24(blockIdx_y, blockDim.y) + threadIdx.y;

	unsigned int k = __umul24(blockIdx_z, blockDim.z) + threadIdx.z;

	if( i >= vol_dim.x || j >= vol_dim.y || k >= vol_dim.z )


	// Index row major into the volume

	long int vol_idx = i + ( j*(vol_dim.x) ) + ( k*(vol_dim.x)*(vol_dim.y) );

	float3 vp;

	float3 ip;

	float  s;

	float voxel_data;

	// offset volume coords

	vp.x = vol_offset.x + i * vol_pix_spacing.x;	// Compiler should combine into 1 FMAD.

	vp.y = vol_offset.y + j * vol_pix_spacing.y;	// Compiler should combine into 1 FMAD.

	vp.z = vol_offset.z + k * vol_pix_spacing.z;	// Compiler should combine into 1 FMAD.

	// matrix multiply

	ip.x = matrix[0]*vp.x + matrix[1]*vp.y + matrix[2]*vp.z  + matrix[3];

	ip.y = matrix[4]*vp.x + matrix[5]*vp.y + matrix[6]*vp.z  + matrix[7];

	ip.z = matrix[8]*vp.x + matrix[9]*vp.y + matrix[10]*vp.z + matrix[11];

	// Change coordinate systems

	ip.x = ic.x + ip.x / ip.z;

	ip.y = ic.y + ip.y / ip.z;

	// Get pixel from 2D image

	ip.x = __float2int_rd(ip.x);

	ip.y = __float2int_rd(ip.y);

	voxel_data = tex1Dfetch(tex_img, ip.x*img_dim.x + ip.y);

	// Dot product

	s = nrm.x*vp.x + nrm.y*vp.y + nrm.z*vp.z;

	// Conebeam weighting factor

	s = sad - s;

	s = (sad * sad) / (s * s);

	// Place it into the volume

	dev_vol[vol_idx] += scale * s * voxel_data;


The profiler output looks like this:




method=[ memcopy ] gputime=[ 1400.000 ] cputime=[ 2423.492 ] 

method=[ __globfunc__Z19kernel_fdk_regs_texPfS_S_4int26float26float3f

fS2_4int3S2_jf ] gputime=[ 414052.594 ] cputime=[ 414109.031 ] occupancy=[ 0.750 ] gld_coherent=[ 0 ] gld_incoherent=[ 24804208 ] gst_coherent=[ 0 ] gst_incoherent=[ 3816032 ]

(I am certainly concerned as to why the CPU time is nearly double the GPU time. Any insight would be very much appreciated. I am hoping this will go away once reads and writes become coalesced…)

And the kernel is invoked thusly:




		cudaMemcpy( dev_img, cbi->img, cbi->dim[0]*cbi->dim[1]*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice );

		cudaBindTexture( 0, tex_img, dev_img, cbi->dim[0]*cbi->dim[1]*sizeof(float) );

		cudaMemcpy( dev_matrix, kargs->matrix, sizeof(kargs->matrix), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice );

		kernel_fdk_regs_tex<<< dimGrid, dimBlock >>>(dev_vol,













		checkCUDAError("Kernel Panic!");




I have read through the programmers manual and understand the idea behind coalesced data access, but I am having trouble seeing why my kernel is not accesses data in a coalesced fashion. To me (at least), it would seem that data write to dev_vol would at least be coalesced due to how vol_idx is constructed.

Any insight at all would be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,


Nevermind, I found the problem.

The indexing method into the array dev_vol is poor and incorrect.
I was seeing zero data coalescence because of the small block size I was using coupled with the indexing method was resulting in less than half a warp of coalescence.