KLT NvMOT tracking

Could you please attach the ticket link? thanks.

Of course: https://partners.nvidia.com/Bug/ViewBug/2825783

Please check latest comment from https://partners.nvidia.com/Bug/ViewBug/2825783

Dear Amycao,

Yes, I’ve checked, thank you and sorry for my late reply.
From the answer it seems that KLT tracker does not support the use-case below as we expect, only DCF tracker does.

So can we close the bug https://partners.nvidia.com/Bug/ViewBug/2825783

Bug closed

Hi @Amycao, @adam.balazs,
Great implementation of LL api .
I am trying to use the above code on DS5.0 but my tracker confidence remains on -0.1 ? What could be the probable issue ?

Check this,
Why do I see confidence value as -0.1.?

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Thanks for the revert @Amycao . This makes sense as I am using KLT and IOU tracker so the confidence will be -0.1.
When i try to use nvdcf tracker on color images with the above code . I just replacing the link library in cmakelists.txt like below and changing the color format to NVBUF_COLOR_FORMAT_RGBA/ NVBUF_COLOR_FORMAT_NV12. I am running the code on jetson nano.

find_library( DCF_MOT NAMES nvds_nvdcf HINTS /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-5.0/lib )
target_link_libraries( demoapp ${DCF_MOT} ${CUDA_LIBRARIES} ${OpenCV_LIBS} jetson-inference)

I get this error on the console. The code works as it should with KLT and IOU trackers but not with NVDCF tracker.

[NvDCF] Initialized
GPUassert: unknown error /dvs/git/dirty/git-master_linux/deepstream/sdk/src/utils/nvdcf/src/modules/cuDCF/cudaCropScaleInTexture2D.cu 1625

Is there some other configuration i have to do for nvdcf?

Please refer to this topic, DCF Tracker REFUSING to work while using low level library - #6 by pshin

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