Libnvll crash

My use-case is an avionics DVR.
I am using Linux R35.5.0 (Jetpack 5.1.3) with a custom carrier board, GStreamer, QT 5.12.12 and ELGFS to render at 1080p60.

I am occasional getting a crash that seems to be in a nvidia driver. My backtrace is below.[0xfffff7ffc7c0]

My debugger jumps here when the crash happens:

0xfffff58f1688 <+ 424> fa 03 00 2a mov w26, w0
0xfffff58f168c <+ 428> 60 06 00 34 cbz w0, 0xfffff58f1758 <nvllSetHead+632>
0xfffff58f1690 <+ 432> e0 4f 40 f9 ldr x0, [sp, #152]

Please advise me on how to resolve this.

Sorry for the late response.
Is this still an issue to support? Any result can be shared?

This is still unresolved. Any advise on how to proceed?

We would need to replicate the issue and check. There are reference samples in


Please check if either sample(clean or with certain patch) can be run to replicate the issue. If yes, please share us the steps. We will set up developer kit and check.