I add a video to nvstreamer, then get its rtsp then this rtsp to vst, but the live stream of this stream has issue, please check the attached video.
Do you have any modification with JPS release? I don’t see this kind of issue with NVStreamer and VST. Can you share the information of your setup? Are you using the Chrome browser?
I just made only change to /opt/nvidia/jetson/services/vst/config/vst_config.json
"analytic_server_address": "http://${JETSON_IP}:30080/emdx",
I am using Safari browser.
When I use Chrome browser, the following issues appear
Please modify “max_webrtc_out_connections” in /opt/nvidia/jetson/services/vst/config/vst_config.json for “WEBRTC CONNECTIONS LIMIT REACHED” issue.
After adjust the value, a live rtsp stream can be shown but the issue still remains.
Which issue do you mean? Can you share more details of the issue and your setup?
The original issue I raised in this thread, Live streams in VST UI, video data has issue.
Here is how I setup and launch
## Install Platform Services package
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install nvidia-jetson-services
$ sudo systemctl start jetson-redis
$ sudo systemctl start jetson-ingress
# edit "analytic_server_address": "",
$ sudo systemctl start jetson-vst
Copy config files
$ sudo cp ai_nvr/config/ai-nvr-nginx.conf /opt/nvidia/jetson/services/ingress/config/
Setup and Launch NVStreamer
$ sudo sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=2000000
$ sudo sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=2000000
$ cd ${BDIR}/reference-workflow-and-resources_v1.1.0/nvstreamer
$ docker compose -f compose_nvstreamer.yaml up -d --force-recreate
Uploading video to NVStreamer
Adding RTSP Stream to VST
Start Application
$ cd ${BDIR}/reference-workflow-and-resources_v1.1.0/ai_nvr
$ docker compose -f compose_agx.yaml up -d --force-recreate
And I see an error in the log
emdx-analytics-01 | 2024-08-28 09:07:01,522 INFO [7 WSGI_0] (camera_add_remove.py:16) - Adding new camera from ADD event {‘camera_id’: ‘myCam’, ‘camera_name’: ‘55fba9f1-6e94-479f-a78e-523820563fb6’, ‘camera_url’: ‘rtsp://
55fba9f1-6e94-479f-a78e-523820563fb6’, ‘change’: ‘camera_streaming’, ‘metadata’: {‘bitrate’: ‘’, ‘codec’: ‘H264’, ‘framerate’: ‘’, ‘govlength’: ‘’, ‘resolution’: ‘’}}
emdx-analytics-01 | 2024-08-28 09:07:01,523 INFO [7 WSGI_0] (camera_status.py:44) - process_change_event: sensors_before=, event={‘camera_id’: ‘myCam’, ‘camera_name’: ‘55fba9f1-6e94-479f-a78e-523820563fb6’, ‘camera_url’: ‘rtsp://
8554/live/55fba9f1-6e94-479f-a78e-523820563fb6’, ‘change’: ‘camera_streaming’, ‘metadata’: {‘bitrate’: ‘’, ‘codec’: ‘H264’, ‘framerate’: ‘’, ‘govlength’: ‘’, ‘resolution’: ‘’}}
emdx-webapi | 2024-08-28 09:07:01,527 ERROR [8 AnyIO worker thread] (fastapi_config.py:90) - Status: 422, Detail: Configs not present.
emdx-analytics-01 | add_sensor_with_template_config sensor=myCam
emdx-analytics-01 | 2024-08-28 09:07:01,530 ERROR [7 WSGI_0] (tripwire.py:211) - The server couldn’t fulfill the request http://localhost:5000/api/config/tripwire?sensorId=myCam
emdx-analytics-01 | 2024-08-28 09:07:01,530 ERROR [7 WSGI_0] (tripwire.py:212) - Error code:422
emdx-webapi | 2024-08-28 09:07:01,534 ERROR [8 AnyIO worker thread] (fastapi_config.py:187) - Status: 422, Detail: Configs not present.
emdx-analytics-01 | 2024-08-28 09:07:01,535 ERROR [7 WSGI_0] (roi.py:184) - The server couldn’t fulfill the request http://localhost:5000/api/config/roi?sensorId=myCam
emdx-analytics-01 | 2024-08-28 09:07:01,536 ERROR [7 WSGI_0] (roi.py:185) - Error code:422
deepstream | Stream format not found, dropping the frame
emdx-webapi | 2024-08-28 09:07:01,539 ERROR [8 AnyIO worker thread] (fastapi_alert_rules.py:32) - Status: 422, Detail: fov alert rules not present.
emdx-analytics-01 | 2024-08-28 09:07:01,541 ERROR [7 WSGI_0] (alert_rules.py:240) - The server couldn’t fulfill the request http://localhost:5000/api/config/rule/alerts/fov?sensorId=myCam
emdx-analytics-01 | 2024-08-28 09:07:01,541 ERROR [7 WSGI_0] (alert_rules.py:241) - Error code:422
emdx-webapi | 2024-08-28 09:07:01,544 ERROR [8 AnyIO worker thread] (fastapi_alert_rules.py:142) - Status: 422, Detail: tripwire alert rules not present.
emdx-analytics-01 | fov alerts: {‘result’: None, ‘error’: ‘Alert Rule def not found and there is not default/sensorTemplate also’}
emdx-analytics-01 | 2024-08-28 09:07:01,547 ERROR [7 WSGI_0] (alert_rules.py:240) - The server couldn’t fulfill the request http://localhost:5000/api/config/rule/alerts/tripwire?sensorId=myCam
emdx-analytics-01 | 2024-08-28 09:07:01,547 ERROR [7 WSGI_0] (alert_rules.py:241) - Error code:422
emdx-webapi | 2024-08-28 09:07:01,550 ERROR [8 AnyIO worker thread] (fastapi_alert_rules.py:239) - Status: 422, Detail: roi alert rules not present.
emdx-analytics-01 | 2024-08-28 09:07:01,552 ERROR [7 WSGI_0] (alert_rules.py:240) - The server couldn’t fulfill the request http://localhost:5000/api/config/rule/alerts/roi?sensorId=myCam
emdx-analytics-01 | 2024-08-28 09:07:01,553 ERROR [7 WSGI_0] (alert_rules.py:241) - Error code:422
emdx-analytics-01 | no roi alert rules for sensor
The VST Live Stream playback works fine in my side. I use Chrome browser. I can’t reproduce the issue in my side.