I’m currently trying to integrate MDL into an Optix7 project I made from scratch (mostly learning various aspect of RTX).
I started with a very simple material, with the objective of just setting the base color:
export material testing(
uniform color baseColor= color(1.0, 0.75, 0.0)
) = let
bsdf diff = df::diffuse_reflection_bsdf(tint : baseColor);
} in material(
surface: material_surface(
scattering: diff
I solved the call of the direct callables that I had, but now it’s a memory error.
This is with cuda-gdb
[Switching focus to CUDA kernel 0, grid 43, block (2751,0,0), thread (0,0,0), device 0, sm 0, warp 2, lane 0]
0x0000555559369368 in __direct_callable__X_sample_0x3cf3d8de778f880f<<<(5120,3,1),(64,1,1)>>> ()
And cuda-memcheck
Out-of-range Shared or Local Address
at 0x00000030 in __direct_callable__X_sample_0x3cf3d8de778f880f
by thread (31,0,0) in block (2732,0,0)
And no idea how to check which memory access is wrong.
This is part of what I have so far:
mi::neuraylib::Shading_state_material state = {
normal, // the object is a unit sphere
nullptr, // texture result
nullptr, // RO data segment
identity, // world to object
identity, // object to world
0, // object ID
1.0f // meter per unit
// texHandler is a nullptr for the vtable and compiled in direct_call mode
mi::neuraylib::Resource_data resData = { nullptr, &texHandler };
mdlcode_init(state, &resData, nullptr, args);
mi::neuraylib::Bsdf_sample_data sampleData;
sampleData.ior1 = make_float3(1.0f);
sampleData.k1 = -worldDir;
sampleData.xi = make_float4(0.0f);
mdlcode_sample(&sampleData, state, &resData, nullptr, args);
And then it crashes.
As for using more complex materials, that will be later work. Need to extract the arguments (right now it’s hardcoded), add texture support, extract the constants values (like thin walled when there’s no callables for it).