Hello, again :-)
I got culprit of my error, it is image getting from NvBuf. When i remove it - program works until i shut it down. So i got recoded using of it, basically make OpenCV to release all buffer images, used for conversion from NvBuf to OCR code.
Here it is:
static GstFlowReturn
Convert_Buf_Into_Image (NvBufSurface input_buf, gint idx,
NvOSD_RectParams * crop_rect_params, gdouble Make_Ratio, gint input_width,
gint input_height, char filename_Adder)//NvDsObjectMeta *object_meta)
NvBufSurfTransform_Error err;
NvBufSurfTransformConfigParams transform_config_params;
NvBufSurfTransformParams transform_params;
NvBufSurfTransformRect src_rect;
NvBufSurfTransformRect dst_rect;
NvBufSurface ip_surf;
cv::Mat in_mat, buf_mat;
ip_surf = *input_buf;
ip_surf.numFilled = ip_surf.batchSize = 1;
ip_surf.surfaceList = &(input_buf->surfaceList[idx]);
/gint src_left = GST_ROUND_UP_2(crop_rect_params->left);
gint src_top = GST_ROUND_UP_2(crop_rect_params->top);
gint src_width = GST_ROUND_DOWN_2(crop_rect_params->width);
gint src_height = GST_ROUND_DOWN_2(crop_rect_params->height);/
gint src_left = (int)crop_rect_params->left;
gint src_top = (int)crop_rect_params->top;
gint src_width = (int)crop_rect_params->width;
gint src_height = (int)crop_rect_params->height;
//g_print(“ltwh = %d %d %d %d \n”, src_left, src_top, src_width, src_height);
guint dest_width, dest_height;
gdouble Ratio = 1.0;
dest_width = src_width;
dest_height = src_height;
NvBufSurface *nvbuf;
NvBufSurfaceCreateParams create_params;
//dsexample->gpu_id = DEFAULT_GPU_ID;
char *p_str;
create_params.gpuId = DEFAULT_GPU_ID;
create_params.width = dest_width;
create_params.height = dest_height;
create_params.size = 0;
create_params.colorFormat = NVBUF_COLOR_FORMAT_RGBA;
create_params.layout = NVBUF_LAYOUT_PITCH;
#ifdef aarch64
create_params.memType = NVBUF_MEM_DEFAULT;
create_params.memType = NVBUF_MEM_CUDA_UNIFIED;
NvBufSurfaceCreate (&nvbuf, 1, &create_params);
// Configure transform session parameters for the transformation
transform_config_params.compute_mode = NvBufSurfTransformCompute_Default;
transform_config_params.gpu_id = DEFAULT_GPU_ID;
// Set the transform session parameters for the conversions executed in this
// thread.
err = NvBufSurfTransformSetSessionParams (&transform_config_params);
if (err != NvBufSurfTransformError_Success)
goto error;
// Calculate scaling ratio while maintaining aspect ratio
//Ratio = MIN (Make_Ratio * dest_width / src_width, Make_Ratio * dest_height / src_height);
Ratio = MIN (Make_Ratio * dest_width / src_width, Make_Ratio * dest_height / src_height);
if ((crop_rect_params->width == 0) || (crop_rect_params->height == 0))
goto error;
#ifdef aarch64
if (Ratio <= 1.0 / 16 || Ratio >= 16.0) {
// Currently cannot scale by ratio > 16 or < 1/16 for Jetson
goto error;
// Set the transform ROIs for source and destination
src_rect = {(guint)src_top, (guint)src_left, (guint)src_width, (guint)src_height};
dst_rect = {0, 0, (guint)dest_width, (guint)dest_height};
// Set the transform parameters
transform_params.src_rect = &src_rect;
transform_params.dst_rect = &dst_rect;
transform_params.transform_flag =
transform_params.transform_filter = NvBufSurfTransformInter_Default;
//Memset the memory
NvBufSurfaceMemSet (nvbuf, 0, 0, 0);
// Transformation scaling+format conversion if any.
err = NvBufSurfTransform (&ip_surf, nvbuf, &transform_params);
if (err != NvBufSurfTransformError_Success)
goto error;
// Map the buffer so that it can be accessed by CPU
if (NvBufSurfaceMap (nvbuf, 0, 0, NVBUF_MAP_READ) != 0)
goto error;
// Cache the mapped data for CPU access
NvBufSurfaceSyncForCpu (nvbuf, 0, 0);
// Use openCV to remove padding and convert RGBA to BGR. Can be skipped if
// algorithm can handle padded RGBA data.
in_mat = cv::Mat (dest_height, dest_width, CV_8UC4, nvbuf->surfaceList[0].mappedAddr.addr[0],
buf_mat = cv::Mat(cv::Size(dest_width * Make_Ratio, dest_height * Make_Ratio), CV_8UC4);
Detected_Vehicle_Image = cv::Mat(cv::Size(dest_width * Make_Ratio, dest_height * Make_Ratio), CV_8UC3);
cv::cvtColor(in_mat, buf_mat, cv::COLOR_RGBA2BGR);
//cv::resize(in_mat, Detected_Vehicle_Image, cv::Size(), Make_Ratio, Make_Ratio, cv::INTER_LINEAR);
cv::resize(buf_mat, Detected_Vehicle_Image, cv::Size(), Make_Ratio, Make_Ratio, cv::INTER_LINEAR);
char filename[120];
snprintf(filename, 120, “./lastframes/pic_%s.jpg”, filename_Adder);
if (!(File_Exists(filename))) cv::imwrite(filename, Detected_Vehicle_Image);
if (NvBufSurfaceUnMap (nvbuf, 0, 0))
goto error;
return GST_FLOW_OK;