I have purchased and successfully used several of both the Echopilot carrier and the Stereolabs carrier with the Orin NX 16gb. I’ve since moved to a custom carrier board. I’ve successfully used the Orin modules removed from the dev kits in this carrier board.
Now, I’ve purchased a couple Orin modules NOT as part of a dev kit, so just the module. I’ve installed these modules in the carrier board (with the same, untouched nvme), and they fail to start up. I’ve set eeprom size to zero. On the serial console, I get the following, and then boot loops.
I> MB2 (version:
I> t234-A01-0-Silicon (0x12347)
I> Boot-mode : Coldboot
I> Emulation:
I> Entry timestamp: 0x00213b47
I> Regular heap: [base:0x40040000, size:0x10000]
I> DMA heap: [base:0x469800000, size:0x800000]
I> Task: ARI update carveout TZDRAM (0x50001e80)
I> Task: Enable hot-plug capability (0x50026c6c)
I> Task: PSC mailbox init (0x50016a7c)
I> Task: Crypto init (0x500065a8)
I> Task: Enable GP-SE clock (0x50001fe4)
I> Task: DICE Identity init (0x50019e50)
I> DICE is not enabled.
I> Task: OEM SC7 context save init (0x50019550)
I> Task: I2C register (0x50001e44)
I> Task: Map CCPLEX_INTERWORLD_SHMEM carveout (0x50001e2c)
I> Task: Program CBB PCIE AMAP regions (0x50019b64)
I> Task: Boot device init (0x50001d74)
I> Boot_device: QSPI_FLASH instance: 0
I> Qspi clock source : pllc_out0
I> QSPI-0l initialized successfully
I> Task: Partition Manager Init (0x50001d70)
I> Found 57 partitions in QSPI_FLASH (instance 0)
I> Task: Load and authenticate registered FWs (0x5001ce48)
I> Task: Load AUXP FWs (0x5002680c)
I> Successfully register SPE FW load task with MB2 loader
I> Skipping SCE FW load
I> Successfully register RCE FW load task with MB2 loader
I> Successfully register DCE FW load task with MB2 loader
I> Unpowergating APE
I> Unpowergate done
I> Successfully register APE FW load task with MB2 loader
I> Skipping FSI FW load
I> Successfully register XUSB FW load task with MB2 loader
I> Partition name: B_spe-fw
I> Size of partition: 589824
I> Binary@ device:3/0 block-118016 (partition size: 0x90000), name: B_spe-fw
I> Partition name: B_rce-fw
I> Size of partition: 1048576
I> Binary@ device:3/0 block-119168 (partition size: 0x100000), name: B_rce-fw
I> spe: Authentication Finalize Done
I> Binary spe loaded successfully at 0x468c00000
I> Partition name: B_dce-fw
I> Size of partition: 5242880
I> Binary@ device:3/0 block-107776 (partition size: 0x500000), name: B_dce-fw
I> rce: Authentication Finalize Done
I> Binary rce loaded successfully at 0x468900000
I> dce : oem authentication of header done
I> dce : meta-blob integrity check is success.
I> dce : will be decompressed at 0x472000000
I> version 1 Bin 1 BCheckSum 0 content_size 0 Content ChkSum 1 reserved_00 0
I> Reserved10 0 BlockMaxSize 5 Reserved11 0
I> dce : decompressed to 9445504 bytes
I> dce: plain binary integrity check is success
I> Partition name: B_adsp-fw
I> Size of partition: 2097152
I> Binary@ device:3/0 block-121216 (partition size: 0x200000), name: B_adsp-fw
I> dce: Authentication Finalize Done
I> Binary dce loaded successfully at 0x472000000
I> Partition name: B_xusb-fw
I> Size of partition: 262144
I> Binary@ device:3/0 block-72448 (partition size: 0x40000), name: B_xusb-fw
I> ape: Authentication Finalize Done
I> Binary ape loaded successfully at 0x469400000
I> xusb: Authentication Finalize Done
I> Binary xusb loaded successfully at 0x468d00000
I> Task: Carveout setup (0x5001f55c)
I> Program remaining OEM carveouts
I> Task: Enable FSITHERM (0x50016950)
I> Task: Enable FSI VMON (0x500164d8)
I> Task: Validate FSI Therm readings (0x50016530)
I> Task: Restore XUSB sec (0x50001d44)
I> Task: Enable FSI SE clock (0x50016ed8)
I> Task: Initialize SBSA UART CAR (0x50001f48)
I> Task: Ratchet update (0x50027d08)
W> OPTIN fuse not set, skip ratchet update
I> Task: Initialize CPUBL Params (0x50017e0c)
I> CPUBL-params @ 0x46e000000
I> Task: Prepare eeprom data (0x50017bd8)
E> I2C: slave not found in slaves.
E> I2C: Could not write 0 bytes to slave: 0x00ae with repeat start true.
E> I2C_DEV: Failed to send register address 0x00000000.
E> I2C_DEV: Could not read 256 registers of size 1 from slave 0xae at 0x00000000 via instance 0.
E> eeprom: Failed to read I2C slave device
C> Task 0x0 failed (err: 0x1f1e050d)
E> Top caller module: I2C_DEV, error module: I2C, reason: 0x0d, aux_info: 0x05
Additionally, I am unable to flash L4T if using one of the new modules. The board is never recognized, even though I do see it correctly on lsusb
I’m building and installing directly from the 35.4.1 downloads page.