Mommybot: a sleeping assistant system

Hi, I would like to share my project that I recently made using Jetbot.

Our team developed a system called Mommybot, it is a system using jetson nano to manage user’s sleeping hours. The system was developed for the final project of our coursework, which is “KSE 624” from KAIST. For Mommybot, it took about 4 weeks to develop the system.

These days, more and more people are suffering from sleep deprivation. There are many reports saying that sleep deprivation will give negative effects on health. According to National Sleep Foundation research, one should sleep at least 6 hours per day at minimum. The objective of Mommybot is help people sleeping at least minimum required hours of sleep from Monday to Friday.

The functionality of Mommybot composed of four parts.

  • Records a user’s time events
  • Check the status of user’s bed: status composed of “Sleeping”, “Not-sleeping”, “Not on the bed” by using camera.
  • Predicts when the user will go to sleep, and suggests when the user should sleep in order to sleep minimum required hours of sleep.
  • Wakes user up, with user preferred sleeping hours.

Mommybot Image:

This is a demo video to help you understanding Mommybot better.
Youtube Link for Mommybot: Mommybot - Sleeping Assistant - YouTube

The link for the source code can be found at

Enjoy Mommybot.
Best Regards, and stay alert to COVID-19
Jake Jang

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