After ttyS0 is modified and debug console is disabled, the jetson host is connected to an HDMI cable and restarts repeatedly after power-on.If you connect the HDMI cable after the system is started, the system starts normally.After attempting to restore ttyS0 to the Settings, the system starts normally.The L4T version is 32.7.1.
what modifications did you make to disable the debug console?
can you first try if upgrading to 32.7.3 helps?
I upgraded L4T to 32.7.3, closed the serial debugging console and connected the HDMI cable, and restarted repeatedly after the power supply was powered on
what’s the purpose of disabling debug console?
Will it boot normally if you enable it again?
Disable the debug console in order to use this serial port for RS485 communication
It can be started normally after enabling it again
thanks for reporting. We’ll see if we can re-produce this issue on our side.
Just want to make sure again, it only happens when the debug console is disabled, and the HDMI cable is connected before boot up, right?
Yes, we connected the HDMI cable after disabling the debug console, and then NANO could not start, and the boot screen kept repeating
we just tested on 32.7.3, and we are not seeing the issue of rebooting after disabling debug console.
Are you using a DevKit, or a custom board?
Or did you make any modification to the kernel image?
The nano’s baseboard is our custom board, and the kernel image should not be modified.
There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue any more.
Hence we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one.
Then maybe it’s related to the design of your custom carrier board.
Can you find a DevKit to do cross validation?