Jetson Nano Crash and OS reboot

Dear all,
we meet a problem, Using Jetson Nano to infer the image, when we plugin the HDMI, it will report the following information from the Serial Port. And the temperature is normal, Only two Nano modules are easy to reproduce when run the same probrame with HDMI.

nvidia-desktop login: [ 72.943636] nvgpu: 57000000.gpu nvgpu_submit_channel_gpfifo:463 [ERR] failed to host gk20a to submit gpfifo
[ 72.954184] nvgpu: 57000000.gpu nvgpu_submit_channel_gpfifo:464 [ERR] QThread
[ 73.089525] tegra-xusb 70090000.xusb: Host not halted after 16000 microseconds.
[ 73.141800] reboot: Restarting system

Are you using devkit or with your custom carrier board?
Which JetPack SW version?

Hello , I am using a devkit board, JetPack SW version 4.3. In addition, I tried to do a test, I use python3.6.9, pyQt5 function “setPixmap()” for loop display a picture, HDMI connected to the display, the “setPixmap()” is not abnormal, but, After running for a period of time, the board system reboot. However, when I disconnect the monitor, the board don’t system reboot. or I put a one-second delay in front of the “setPixmap()” function, the board don’t system reboot.

Please learn this to dump the serial console log. This is the precise way to tell whether the board is booting up or not.

Yes, I used the serial port to debug. I see these messages when the board restarts abnormally。

nvidia-desktop login: [ 72.943636] nvgpu: 57000000.gpu nvgpu_submit_channel_gpfifo:463 [ERR] failed to host gk20a to submit gpfifo
[ 72.954184] nvgpu: 57000000.gpu nvgpu_submit_channel_gpfifo:464 [ERR] QThread
[ 73.089525] tegra-xusb 70090000.xusb: Host not halted after 16000 microseconds.
[ 73.141800] reboot: Restarting system

So is the board still able to boot up or not? Or it goes to reboot every time?

Please always share me the full log instead of just few lines.

Yes, it will restart automatically after running for a period of time. The attached file is all the log information, please check

log.txt (20.5 KB)

Your L4T version seems old. How about upgrading to latest BSP first?

Also, I notice some abnormal log. Better upgrading the version first and see if issue is still.

Is there any other way? Due to the actual usage scenario, it is currently unlikely to upgrade the version.

This is for debug purpose. If the issue is still there even after upgrade, it will need RMA.

Also, since this device cannot boot up normally, even OTA upgrade will not work either.

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