need some help to improve my frames-per-second performance for my OpenCV motion-detection C++ program.
Here is my setup:
- Jetpack 4.6
- new build of OpenCV 4.5.4-dev (see attached for verbose build info)
- with GStreamer 1.14.5
- NV Power Mode 6 [20W 2 core]
I want to process an incoming RTSP 4k video stream (3840x2160) at 12 fps from IP camera using hardware-assisted h.264 decode using GStreamer, then OpenCV for motion-detection using contour detection within selected ROI. Draw the bounding box around the detected motion, and then write the video frames out to an .MP4 file using hardware-assisted h.264 (or h.265) encode using GStreamer.
Using Gstreamer Pipeline to reduce CPU load; Pipeline Elements ‘nvv4l2decoder’ use Xavier hardware for h264 frame decoding and ‘nvvidconv’ is hardware accelerated converter.
std::string pipe = “rtspsrc location=rtsp://admin:passwd@ ! rtph264depay
! nvv4l2decoder ! video/x-raw(memory:NVMM),format=NV12 ! nvvidconv ! video/x-raw,format=BGRx,width=3840,height=2180
! videoconvert ! appsink”;
cv::VideoCapture capture(pipe,cv::CAP_GSTREAMER);
const int frame_width = 3840;
const int frame_height = 2160;
const int frames_per_second = 12;
cv::Size frame_size(frame_width,frame_height);
std::string motion_writer_pipe = “appsrc ! videoconvert ! video/x-raw,format=BGRx,width=3840,height=2160,framerate=12/1 !
nvvidconv ! video/x-raw(memory:NVMM),width=(int)3840,height=(int)2160,format=NV12,framerate=(fraction)12/1 !
nvv4l2h264enc preset-level=0 iframeinterval=60 control-rate=1 bitrate=5000000 !
h264parse ! qtmux ! filesink location =” + savedMotionVideoFullPath;
cv::VideoWriter motion_writer = cv::VideoWriter(motion_writer_pipe,cv::CAP_GSTREAMER,frames_per_second,frame_size,true);
All is working, to a degree, but the fps performance is way too low, and the outputted MP4 video quality is not always acceptable. All of the motion-detection-related OpenCV C++ statements use the CPU, since there are no corresponding GPU statements for the majority of the code. So the motion-detection portion of the program is all CPU.
When all motion-detection code is removed and simply read in the RTSP video stream and then write it out using above GStreamer code, the CPU is 80+% and the resulting MP4 video often has many compression artifacts as little blurry squares in large areas of the written frame. (See attached cropped photo captures of a portion of the frame).
Is this poor performace (low fps, unacceptable encoding) due to not enough CPU speed or limits of the XavierNX itself?
What kind of hardware system do I need to successfully process 4k video with OpenCV and achieve high-quality MP4 output?
Thanks for all your help…. much appreciated.
OpenCV 4.5.rtf (8.3 KB)