I am a newbie with OptiX but trying to learn. Please forgive if this is a dumb question.
Is there a way to control the total number of rays generated by OptiX during rendering programmatically? I would like to run some low-level performance studies for rendering by increasing/decreasing number of rays generated for a single frame. For example, a function called from main() function that would pass the total number of rays to generate to the underlying OptiX kernel(s) - if that is possible.
Hey there @rhaney, with OptiX you always have complete control over exactly how many rays you trace, and what the rays do when you trace them. With OptiX 7, for example, you always trace a ray explicitly using a call to the function optixTrace(). If you call optixTrace exactly once in your raygen program, then you will have exactly as many rays traced as your launch size. You can take advantage of the pipelineParams variable to optixLaunch() in order to pass parameters to your raygen or other OptiX device programs to allow you to optionally send a different number of rays. It’s common, for example, to pass a number of rays per pixel via the pipelineParams parameter to optixLaunch() in order to control super-sampling. You could start by poking around the optixPathTracer sample in the OptiX 7 SDK to see how to control the number of rays traced from the camera.
Another newbie question, different subject, if that is okay.
I ran the Siggraph OptiX 7 example2_pipelineAndRayGen on a RT and non-RT card separately to get an idea of performance for different cards. I noticed that for smaller frame sizes the non-RT card outperformed the RT card but once the frame buffer got larger the RT card performed better. Is this similar to performance one sees with standard CUDA kernels whereby the larger the matrix the better the performance?
These examples are meant to show OptiX 7 concepts in a simple way. They are not optimized for performance.
Remember what I said about the gdt/math/vec.h classes not being suited for vectorized device memory accesses.
Also never use empty device programs in an OptiX pipeline like these examples do. Use a nullptr for the module and program name instead. Not assigning a program is faster than an empty program.
Example: https://github.com/NVIDIA/OptiX_Apps/blob/master/apps/intro_runtime/src/Application.cpp#L1859
If you want to compare ray tracing performance you should look at the final examples, or use the OptiX SDK 7.1.0 optixMeshViewer for a Whitted style renderer, or use my OptiX 7 applications for path tracers which have benchmarks built-in.
Dumb question but are there any example(s) with OptiX 7 that render a single frame using ray tracing? Something that is fairly straightforward for a newbie?
Sure, just work through the OptIX SDK 7.0.0 or 7.1.0 examples and you’ll see.
Look at the optixTriangle code which does everything in the main() function and either renders the image to the screen or writes it to disk.
The only simpler example is optixHello which doesn’t even shoot a ray.
Thank you again @droettger. The links and information is very helpful.
I will set the output file to some value (e.g. ‘triangle.ppm’) so a single image is written to disk and put a timer around the optixLaunch call in the main() function to get a execution time of ray tracing.
Actually since the optixLaunch() calls are asynchronous, you need to include the following cudaDeviceSynchronize() call as well (inside the CUDA_SYNC_CHECK macro) or you get only the time to submit the launch to CUDA, not the actual ray tracing performance.
That example is not going to give you a lot of data with the single triangle. If you make the launch big enough to saturate the GPU the expected result for primary rays on the top end Turing boards is >10 GRays/second.