Hi, I am running a cuda program on wsl2Arch Linux. My CUDA version is 11.7, cuda-tools version is 12.3. The GPU is an RTX 4070 TI. I keep getting the error in the image attached when I use the ncu profiler.
rwang2000@RicharddddW:~/eecs583/final-project/examples/rgb|main⚡ ⇒ ncu --verbose --kernel-name rgb_increase_brightness_pass_ready main.out
Skipping first line...
Skipping comments...
Reading width...
Reading height...
Reading max val...
width: 256, height: 256, max_val: 255
Allocating mem...
Reading rgb data...
Read ppm succeeded
==PROF== Connected to process 27311 (/home/rwang2000/eecs583/final-project/examples/rgb/main.out)
==LOG== Target process 27315 terminated before first instrumented API call.
Writing result...
==PROF== Disconnected from process 27311
==WARNING== No kernels were profiled.
I am a bit confused because I am sure the kernel is called but it seems like ncu didn’t recognize it.
As a reference, here is main.cu:
#include <cstdio>
#include "ppm_utils.h"
// #include "rgb_pass_ready.cu"
#define TILE_WIDTH 512
__global__ void rgb_increase_brightness_pass_ready(int *pixel_dst,
int *pixel_src, int size,
float factor) {
int global_tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int local_tid = threadIdx.x;
__shared__ int pixel_smem_src[3 * TILE_WIDTH];
__shared__ int pixel_smem_dst[3 * TILE_WIDTH];
"Gather": Read input pixels to shared memory
pixel_smem_src[3 * local_tid + 0] = pixel_src[3 * global_tid + 0]; // r
pixel_smem_src[3 * local_tid + 1] = pixel_src[3 * global_tid + 1]; // g
pixel_smem_src[3 * local_tid + 2] = pixel_src[3 * global_tid + 2]; // b
Computation, very simple here but can be more complicated
pixel_smem_dst[3 * local_tid + 0] =
min(255, (int)(factor * (pixel_smem_src[3 * local_tid + 0])));
pixel_smem_dst[3 * local_tid + 1] =
min(255, (int)(factor * (pixel_smem_src[3 * local_tid + 1])));
pixel_smem_dst[3 * local_tid + 2] =
min(255, (int)(factor * (pixel_smem_src[3 * local_tid + 2])));
"Scatter": Write result to destination
pixel_dst[3 * global_tid + 0] = pixel_smem_dst[3 * local_tid + 0]; // r
pixel_dst[3 * global_tid + 1] = pixel_smem_dst[3 * local_tid + 1]; // g
pixel_dst[3 * global_tid + 2] = pixel_smem_dst[3 * local_tid + 2]; // b
void test_increase_brightness_pass_ready() {
Declaration and configuration
int width, height;
int *host_pixel_src = read_ppm("images/1.ppm", width, height);
long long total_pixel = width * height;
int num_block = (total_pixel + TILE_WIDTH - 1) / TILE_WIDTH;
const dim3 dimGrid = dim3(num_block, 1, 1);
const dim3 dimBlock = dim3(TILE_WIDTH, 1, 1);
int num_pixels = width * height;
int host_pixel_res[3 * num_pixels];
int *device_pixel_src;
int *device_pixel_cpy;
Allocate host and device memory
cudaMalloc(&device_pixel_src, 3 * num_pixels * sizeof(int));
cudaMalloc(&device_pixel_cpy, 3 * num_pixels * sizeof(int));
Data movement and kernel launch
cudaMemcpy(device_pixel_src, host_pixel_src, 3 * num_pixels * sizeof(int),
rgb_increase_brightness_pass_ready<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(
device_pixel_cpy, device_pixel_src, width * height, 1.8);
cudaMemcpy(host_pixel_res, device_pixel_cpy, 3 * num_pixels * sizeof(int),
Write result to output file
write_ppm("images/1_modified.ppm", host_pixel_res, width, height);
Free host and device memory
delete[] host_pixel_src;
int main() {
return 0;
And here is run.sh, which is used to compile and apply our own LLVM pass to the device code. I build by running
sh run.sh main
# TODO: Set the target GPU architecture
# TODO: Set CUDA path
# TODO: Set nvcc path
# NOTE: If you have no inline problem, try to switch to CUDA 11.7
cd ../..
rm -rf build
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cd ../examples/rgb
# Seperate Compilation follows the below process
# "nvptx64-nvidia-cuda" - "clang", inputs: ["rgb.cu"], output: "/tmp/rgb-c42443/rgb-sm_35.s"
# "nvptx64-nvidia-cuda" - "NVPTX::Assembler", inputs: ["/tmp/rgb-c42443/rgb-sm_35.s"], output: "/tmp/rgb-d56ddb/rgb-sm_35.o"
# "nvptx64-nvidia-cuda" - "NVPTX::Linker", inputs: ["/tmp/rgb-d56ddb/rgb-sm_35.o", "/tmp/rgb-c42443/rgb-sm_35.s"], output: "/tmp/rgb-25be7e.fatbin"
# "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" - "clang", inputs: ["rgb.cu", "/tmp/rgb-25be7e.fatbin"], output: "/tmp/rgb-2642c4.o"
# "nvptx64-nvidia-cuda" - "clang", inputs: ["main.cu"], output: "/tmp/main-99237c/main-sm_35.s"
# "nvptx64-nvidia-cuda" - "NVPTX::Assembler", inputs: ["/tmp/main-99237c/main-sm_35.s"], output: "/tmp/main-148b92/main-sm_35.o"
# "nvptx64-nvidia-cuda" - "NVPTX::Linker", inputs: ["/tmp/main-148b92/main-sm_35.o", "/tmp/main-99237c/main-sm_35.s"], output: "/tmp/main-93db48.fatbin"
# "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" - "clang", inputs: ["main.cu", "/tmp/main-93db48.fatbin"], output: "/tmp/main-9b99b7.o"
# "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" - "GNU::Linker", inputs: ["/tmp/rgb-2642c4.o", "/tmp/main-9b99b7.o"], output: "a.out"
# Compile the CUDA device and host code to rgb_device.bc and rgb_host.o
clang++ -stdlib=libc++ --cuda-gpu-arch=${GPU_ARCH} --cuda-path=${CUDA_PATH} --cuda-device-only -emit-llvm -c ${1}.cu -o ${1}_device.bc -Xclang -disable-O0-optnone
clang++ -stdlib=libc++ --cuda-gpu-arch=${GPU_ARCH} --cuda-path=${CUDA_PATH} --cuda-host-only -emit-llvm -c ${1}.cu -o ${1}_host.o -Xclang -disable-O0-optnone
# Apply the pass to the device bc code
opt -load-pass-plugin ../../build/coalpass/CoalPass.so -passes=coal ${1}_device.bc -o ${1}_device.bc
# Convert rgb_device.bc to ptx
llc -march=nvptx64 -mcpu=${GPU_ARCH} ${1}_device.bc -o ${1}_device.ptx
# Convert rgb_device.ptx to cubin
${NVCC} --gpu-architecture=${GPU_ARCH} --cubin ${1}_device.ptx
# Dlink rgb_devic.cubin with rgb_host.o and generate a rgb object file
${NVCC} --gpu-architecture=${GPU_ARCH} --device-link ${1}_device.cubin ${1}_host.o -o ${1}.o
# Assemble the device code and main to generate an executable rgb.out
${NVCC} -gencode arch=compute_75,code=sm_75 ${1}.cu ${1}.o -o ${1}.out
# Run the executable
# Remove redundant files
# rm *.bc *.ptx *.o