Hi there,
I am trying to debug my OpenGL program with Nsight on 3 computer, but all of them are not working.
The first computer is a notebook computer with GTX 950M, WIN8.1 64bit, VS2015 Community, NSight 5.0294, driver version 355.98, when I press Graphics Debugging,the HUD shows up on my app, the screen turns to blue, totally dead. I tried Nsight 4.5, same prolbem.
The second computer is a notebook computer with GTX 525M, WIN7 64bit, VS2015 Community, NSight 5.0294, driver version 361.43, when I press Graphics Debugging, the HUD shows up on my app, I follow the step in “Nsight3_2_Debug-OGL-4_2.mp4” video, I press ctrl+Z → drag the bar below ->program-> some shader->source, when I press “source” button, nothing happend but VS window freezed, and I try again, same problem. Later, I run the same program(IslandGL4) in VS2012 with Nsight 4.5 and 3.2, when I press the “source” button, I can go inside the shader, but after I set a breakpoint in the shader, it never hits the breakpoint.
The third computer is a GTX TITAN X , WIN10 64bit, VS2015 Community, NSight 5.0294, driver version 361.43, when I press Graphics Debugging,the HUD shows up on my app, when I press “source” button, nothing happend but VS window freezed, and I try again, same problem.
All steps and app I tried just following the video from nvidia. I very worry about how to debug in OpenGL shader. Please help.