NVDecoder deallock on Jetson ORIN NX

device :JETSON ORIN NX 16G
jetpack : 5.1.1 && 5.1.2

hello everyone
I used nvdec for decoding on the Jetson platform and found that there is a very small probability of blocking. Is the decoder thread safe? Support multiple threads to simultaneously create and delete decoders

When waiting for dec_capture-loop_fcn to close in the decode_comc thread, this issue occurs with join dec_tid , If while (dec->capture_plane.getNumQueuedBuffers() > 0) is changed to while(1), the probability of reproduction is higher.

The most important thing is, for capture_plane, calling dqbuffer without buffer will block, is it as expected?

I already know that jp5.1.1 will have a memory leak issue with the nvjpeg encoder, so I would like to know if calling capture ->plan.dqbuffer without buffer causes a deadlock, and if this is the expected behavior

My work scenario involves 10-12 threads simultaneously creating or releasing decoders

Same issue

      /* Dequeue a valid capture_plane buffer that contains YUV BL data */
      if (dec->capture_plane.dqBuffer(v4l2_buf, &dec_buffer, NULL, 0)) 
          | // jump into NvV4l2ElementPlane::dqBuffer
          |-> ret = v4l2_ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_DQBUF, &v4l2_buf); // will deadlock 


void *JetsonDec::decode_proc(void *arg)
  JetsonDec *self = (JetsonDec *)arg;
  context_t &ctx = self->ctx;
  int ret = 0;
  int error = 0;
  // bool eos = false;
  uint32_t i;
  // char *nalu_parse_buffer = NULL;

  /* Set default values for decoder context members */
#if 0

  ctx.decoder_pixfmt = self->dec_pixfmt;
  ctx.out_pixfmt = 1; // NV12
  ctx.input_nalu = true;
#if 0
    if (ctx.enable_osd || ctx.enable_osd_text)
        ctx.nvosd_context = nvosd_create_context();
    if (ctx.enable_osd) {
        cout << "ctx.osd_file_path:" << ctx.osd_file_path << endl;

        ctx.osd_file = new ifstream(ctx.osd_file_path);
        TEST_ERROR(!ctx.osd_file->is_open(), "Error opening osd file", cleanup);

  /* Create and initialize video decoder
     more about decoder, refer to 00_video_decode sample */
  ctx.dec = NvVideoDecoder::createVideoDecoder("dec0");
  TEST_ERROR_SPDLOG(!ctx.dec, "ctx error, Could not create decoder", cleanup);

  /* Subscribe to Resolution change event */
  ret = ctx.dec->subscribeEvent(V4L2_EVENT_RESOLUTION_CHANGE, 0, 0);
  TEST_ERROR_SPDLOG(ret < 0, "ctx error, Could not subscribe to V4L2_EVENT_RESOLUTION_CHANGE",
  ret = ctx.dec->subscribeEvent(V4L2_EVENT_EOS, 0, 0);
  TEST_ERROR(ret < 0, "Could not subscribe to V4L2_EVENT_EOS", cleanup);

  /* Set the max size of the outputPlane buffers, here is
     CHUNK_SIZE, which contains the encoded data in bytes */
  ret = ctx.dec->setOutputPlaneFormat(ctx.decoder_pixfmt, CHUNK_SIZE);
  TEST_ERROR_SPDLOG(ret < 0, "ctx error, Could not set output plane format", cleanup);

  // nalu_parse_buffer = new char[CHUNK_SIZE];
  ret = ctx.dec->setFrameInputMode(0);
  TEST_ERROR_SPDLOG(ret < 0, "ctx error, Error in decoder setFrameInputMode", cleanup);

  ret = ctx.dec->disableDPB();
  TEST_ERROR_SPDLOG(ret < 0, "ctx error, Error in decoder disableDPB", cleanup);
  ret = ctx.dec->setMaxPerfMode(1);
  TEST_ERROR_SPDLOG(ret < 0, "ctx error, Error while setting decoder to max perf", cleanup);

  /* Request MMAP buffers for writing encoded video data */
  ret = ctx.dec->output_plane.setupPlane(V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP, 10, true, false);
  TEST_ERROR_SPDLOG(ret < 0, "ctx error, Error while setting up output plane", cleanup);

  /* Start streaming on decoder output_plane */
  ret = ctx.dec->output_plane.setStreamStatus(true);
  TEST_ERROR_SPDLOG(ret < 0, "ctx error, Error in output plane stream on", cleanup);

  pthread_create(&self->dec_tid, NULL, self->dec_capture_loop_fcn,
  pthread_setname_np(self->dec_tid, "CapturePlane");

  // pthread_setname_np(ctx.dec_capture_loop, "CapturePlane");
  // self->proc_ready = true;

  /* Read encoded data and enqueue all the output plane buffers.
     Exit loop in case end of file */
  i = 0;
  while (!self->m_abort && !ctx.dec->isInError() &&
         i < ctx.dec->output_plane.getNumBuffers())
    struct v4l2_buffer v4l2_buf;
    struct v4l2_plane planes[MAX_PLANES];
    NvBuffer *buffer;

    memset(&v4l2_buf, 0, sizeof(v4l2_buf));
    memset(planes, 0, sizeof(planes));

    buffer = ctx.dec->output_plane.getNthBuffer(i);

    struct timeval time_now;
    self->read_decoder_input_nalu(buffer, NULL, CHUNK_SIZE, time_now);
    v4l2_buf.index = i;
    v4l2_buf.m.planes = planes;
    v4l2_buf.m.planes[0].bytesused = buffer->planes[0].bytesused;

    /* It is necessary to queue an empty buffer to signal EOS to sthe decoder
       i.e. set v4l2_buf.m.planes[0].bytesused = 0 and queue the buffer */
    v4l2_buf.timestamp = time_now;
    ret = ctx.dec->output_plane.qBuffer(v4l2_buf, NULL);
    if (ret < 0)
      self->LOGGER_ERROR("ctx error , Error Qing buffer at output plane");
      // abort(&ctx);
    if (v4l2_buf.m.planes[0].bytesused == 0)
      // eos = true;
      self->m_abort_cap = true;
      self->LOGGER_INFO("Input file read complete");

  /* Since all the output plane buffers have been queued in above loop,
     in this loop, firstly dequeue a empty buffer, then read encoded data
     into this buffer, enqueue it back for decoding at last */
  while (!self->m_abort_cap && !self->m_abort && !ctx.dec->isInError())
    struct v4l2_buffer v4l2_buf;
    struct v4l2_plane planes[MAX_PLANES];
    NvBuffer *buffer;

    memset(&v4l2_buf, 0, sizeof(v4l2_buf));
    memset(planes, 0, sizeof(planes));

    v4l2_buf.m.planes = planes;

    ret = ctx.dec->output_plane.dqBuffer(v4l2_buf, &buffer, NULL, -1);
    if (ret < 0)
      cerr << "Error DQing buffer at output plane" << endl;
      self->LOGGER_ERROR("ctx error, Error DQing buffer at output plane");
      // abort(&ctx);
    struct timeval time_now;
    self->read_decoder_input_nalu(buffer, NULL, CHUNK_SIZE, time_now);

    v4l2_buf.m.planes[0].bytesused = buffer->planes[0].bytesused;
    v4l2_buf.timestamp = time_now;
    ret = ctx.dec->output_plane.qBuffer(v4l2_buf, NULL);
    if (ret < 0)
      // cerr << "Error Qing buffer at output plane" << endl;
      self->LOGGER_ERROR("ctx error, Error Qing buffer at output plane");
      // abort(&ctx);
    if (v4l2_buf.m.planes[0].bytesused == 0)
      // eos = true;
      self->m_abort_cap = true;
      // cout << "Input file read complete" << endl;
      self->LOGGER_INFO("Input file read complete");

  /* As EOS, dequeue all the output planes */
  while (ctx.dec->output_plane.getNumQueuedBuffers() > 0 &&
    struct v4l2_buffer v4l2_buf;
    struct v4l2_plane planes[MAX_PLANES];

    memset(&v4l2_buf, 0, sizeof(v4l2_buf));
    memset(planes, 0, sizeof(planes));

    v4l2_buf.m.planes = planes;
    ret = ctx.dec->output_plane.dqBuffer(v4l2_buf, NULL, NULL, -1);
    if (ret < 0)
      // cerr << "Error DQing buffer at output plane" << endl;
      // abort(&ctx);
      self->LOGGER_ERROR("ctx error, Error DQing buffer at output plane");


  if (self->dec_tid)
    self->LOGGER_INFO("wait dec_capture_loop");
    pthread_join(self->dec_tid, NULL);
    self->LOGGER_INFO("dec_capture_loop end");
  /* The decoder destructor does all the cleanup i.e set streamoff on output
     and capture planes, unmap buffers, tell decoder to deallocate buffer
     (reqbufs ioctl with counnt = 0), and finally call v4l2_close on the fd */
  delete ctx.dec;

  if (ctx.dst_dma_fd != -1)
    ret = NvBufSurf::NvDestroy(ctx.dst_dma_fd);
    ctx.dst_dma_fd = -1;
    if (ret < 0)
      self->LOGGER_ERROR("Error in BufferDestroy");
      error = 1;
  // delete[] nalu_parse_buffer;

  self->LOGGER_INFO("Exiting decode_proc thread");
  return NULL;


void *JetsonDec::dec_capture_loop_fcn(void *arg)

  JetsonDec *self = (JetsonDec *)arg;

  while (!self->m_abort_cap && !self->proc_ready)
  context_t *ctx = &self->ctx;
  NvVideoDecoder *dec = ctx->dec;
  struct v4l2_event ev;
  int ret;

  cout << "Starting decoder capture loop thread" << endl;

  /* Wait for the first Resolution change event as decoder needs
     to know the stream resolution for allocating appropriate
     buffers when calling REQBUFS */
    /* VIDIOC_DQEVENT, max_wait_ms = 1000ms */
    if (dec == nullptr)
      printf("error dec is null\n");
      return NULL;
    ret = dec->dqEvent(ev, 1000);

    if (ret < 0)
      if (errno == EAGAIN)
        cerr << "Timed out waiting for first V4L2_EVENT_RESOLUTION_CHANGE"
             << endl;
      self->LOGGER_ERROR("Error in dequeueing decoder event {0}", errno);
  } while (!self->m_abort_cap && ev.type != V4L2_EVENT_RESOLUTION_CHANGE);

  /* Received the resolution change event, now can do query_and_set_capture */
  if (!self->m_abort_cap)
    if (!query_and_set_capture(ctx, self))
      self->LOGGER_ERROR("query_and_set_capture failed,retry again 3 s later");
      if (!query_and_set_capture(ctx, self))
        self->LOGGER_ERROR("query_and_set_capture failed,abort");

  /* Exit on error or EOS which is signalled in main() */
  while (!(dec->isInError() || self->m_abort_cap))
    NvBuffer *dec_buffer;

    /* Check for resolution change again */
    ret = dec->dqEvent(ev, false);
    if (ret == 0)
      switch (ev.type)

        if (!query_and_set_capture(ctx, self))
          self->LOGGER_ERROR("query_and_set_capture failed,retry again 3 s later");
          if (!query_and_set_capture(ctx, self))
            self->LOGGER_ERROR("query_and_set_capture failed,abort");
      case V4L2_EVENT_EOS:
        self->LOGGER_INFO("Got V4L2_EVENT_EOS\n");
        self->m_abort_cap = true;
    /* Decoder capture loop */
    while (dec->capture_plane.getNumQueuedBuffers() > 0)
      struct v4l2_buffer v4l2_buf;
      struct v4l2_plane planes[MAX_PLANES];

      memset(&v4l2_buf, 0, sizeof(v4l2_buf));
      memset(planes, 0, sizeof(planes));
      v4l2_buf.m.planes = planes;

      /* Dequeue a valid capture_plane buffer that contains YUV BL data */
      if (dec->capture_plane.dqBuffer(v4l2_buf, &dec_buffer, NULL, 0))
        if (errno == EAGAIN)
          usleep(1000); // 1ms
          self->LOGGER_ERROR("Error while calling dequeue at capture plane {0}", errno);
      /* Clip & Stitch can be done by adjusting rectangle. */
      NvBufSurf::NvCommonTransformParams transform_params;
      transform_params.src_top = 0;
      transform_params.src_left = 0;
      transform_params.src_width = ctx->dec_width;
      transform_params.src_height = ctx->dec_height;
      transform_params.dst_top = 0;
      transform_params.dst_left = 0;
      transform_params.dst_width = ctx->dec_width;
      transform_params.dst_height = ctx->dec_height;
      transform_params.flag = NVBUFSURF_TRANSFORM_FILTER;
      transform_params.flip = NvBufSurfTransform_None;
      transform_params.filter = NvBufSurfTransformInter_Nearest;

      /* Perform Blocklinear to PitchLinear conversion. */
      // nv12 to rgba
      ret = NvBufSurf::NvTransform(&transform_params, dec_buffer->planes[0].fd,
      if (ret == -1)
        self->LOGGER_ERROR("Transform failed");
     /*code */

      if (dec->capture_plane.qBuffer(v4l2_buf, NULL) < 0)
        self->LOGGER_ERROR("Error while queueing buffer at decoder capture plane");
    if (dec->capture_plane.getNumQueuedBuffers() == 0)
      // usleep(1000);
      printf("no buffer\n");

  cout << "Exiting decoder capture loop thread" << endl;
  self->LOGGER_ERROR("Exiting decoder capture loop thread");
  return NULL;

We would suggest upgrade to latest Jetpack 5.1.4 or 6.2 and see if the issue is still present. If you still observe on latest release, please try to reproduce it by running the sample app:


Adn share us the steps and commands. So that we can set up developer kit and check.

hi @DaneLLL
I have upgraded jetpack to 5.1.4 through OTA, but I am not sure if the jetson_maultimedia_mapi in/usr/src is version 5.1.4. Where can I download examples of 5.1.4?

Please run sudo apt update and check the package:

$ apt policy nvidia-l4t-jetson-multimedia-api
  Installed: 35.6.0-20240828020325
  Candidate: 35.6.0-20240828020325
  Version table:
 *** 35.6.0-20240828020325 500
        500 https://repo.download.nvidia.com/jetson/common r35.6/main arm64 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

And install it through apt install command.

I did not find this issue in 5.1.4, thank you

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