I have installed a jetpack 4.4 version in a jetson nano, then downloaded deepstream as a tar file and installed it.
While executing the deepstream nvdsanalytics-test, to tryout the line-count, i got some problem:
I have drawn a line based on the coordinates of line-crossing 980;840;980;300;980;540;1750;540 and gave a input video (highway traffic video - https://drive.google.com/open?id=145z5bwcAVIBZZkAmDw4ApwOS9Lq1yrji) in the video there are 39 cars by visually counting…,but the LC-Count shows only 27.
Then i experimented same line-counting to count persons in a video, but it did’nt count the persons.
Note: I have also changed the class-id in the config file ,but nothing appears to be changed.The person’s crossing the line did’nt got counted.
(Did anyone face this type of problem)
- The overcrowding count also had the same problem. Not even a single person did’nt get counted while the cars were getting counted.
My Question is,
I solved the frame dropout issues based on the link below.
(The deepstream-nvdsanalytics-test frame dropped problem is very serious - #4 by CoderJustin)
Based on the interval value the count increases to the correct value(39).When i give the interval value as 2 the lc-count shows 27 but at interval of 3 lc-count shows 26.
What does a interval mean here?
How does the line count takes the value while vehicle crosses it? & Is it class dependent, if yes how to change it to the desired class?
3 . What is cumulative count, How its been calculated ?