NVIDIA GRID K2 With Hyper-V 2016

Hi Guys (and girls),

This is my first post so let me introduce myself first:
My name is Remy Cavo and i’m IT Consultant from the Netherlands primarily focusing on VDI en SBC projects (mostly with Citrix XenApp/XenDesktop). Here is my first question for this forum:.

My question is related to GRID K2 in combination with Hyper-2016 I did some research so I probably know the answer to my own question.


MY Question: Can i conclude (after my research) that an NVIDIA GRID K2 wil not function (at least it’s not an supported scenario) In an Hyper-2016 / XenDesktop (7.12) setup? I’m searching for conformation on this matter.

Thank you and I greatly appreciate any help you could render.

This NVIDIA blog NVIDIA GRID Graphics Virtualization Blog Post Archive - Archives Page 1 | NVIDIA Blog states the following:
More good news – NVIDIA GRID comes with Windows Server 2016 day one support. Citrix deployments on Hyper-V can immediately benefit from support for Discrete Device Assignment (DDA) also known as GPU-passthrough, delivering workstation performance from Microsoft Hyper-V based data centers.

But there are no (official) 2016 NVIDIA GRID K2 drivers (that I can find)?

Hi mcerveny,

Thanks for your reply I found the Win2016 drivers for our GRID K2 card on the NVIDIA site.
We are doubting about what to use as hypervisor for our VDI environment? Can you help with this matter?
What I conclude after my research is that the latest Quadro Desktop Driver for Win2016 doesn’t support the GRIDK2 card anymore check –> http://us.download.nvidia.com/Windows/Quadro_Certified/376.62/376.62-winserver2016-quadro-tesla-grid-release-notes.pdf

For what I can see the latest XenServer driver for GRID K2 is still supported bij NVIDIA.

XenServer | GRID K2:
Release Date: 2016.11.18
Version: 369.71
Still supported: For what I can see yes!

Hyper-V (Server 2016) | GRID K2:
Release Date: 2016.10.10
Version: R367 U5 (369.49)
Still supported: NO = the latest driver R375 U4 (376.62) is not supported for GRID)

Thank you and I greatly appreciate any help you could render.


and what is now your question? As mcerveny already explained there are different driver branches.
Simply use the GRID driver package (369.71) where Server 2016 is supported. It is also true that we don’t support Server 2016 for K1/K2 starting with the 375.x branch any more as K1/K2 is EOL. But for sure there will be support (fixes but no features) for the 367.x branch for the next years.

BTW: Current GRID driver branch is still 367.x so no support for GRID and 375.x at all.

