whenever i train the detectnet_v2 architecture in visdrone dataset, I get 0mAP problem. I thought that this is because of wrong class_maps but, the classmaps are fine. The model isn’t learning anything. I have provided the link to drive where you can find files: tao_mounts.json, model_log, training_spec file
• Hardware RTX 2070 SUPER
• Network Type: DetectNet_v2
• TLT Version (Please run “tlt info --verbose” and share “docker_tag” here) 3.21.08
The train tool does not support training on images of multiple resolutions. However, the dataloader does support resizing images to the input resolution defined in the specification file. This can be enabled by setting the enable_auto_resize parameter to true in the augmentation_config module of the spec file.
Does visdrone dataset have training images of multiple resolutions ?
For detectnet_v2 network, the train tool does not support training on images of multiple resolutions.
Please resize images/labels offline to the same resolution.
The loss will be very less from the start and after finishing, if we check the status.json file, it will show 0mAP and 0 precision in all objects that the model was trained.