NVML v555 introduced nvmlDeviceSetClockOffsets and nvmlDeviceGetMinMaxClockOfPState, supposedly rendering old functions for managing clock offsets obsolete. However, I did not have much luck using them:
nvmlDeviceSetClockOffsets sets offsets for every pstate - for example, if I’ll set a 500 MHz offset for pstate 0 and then 200 MHz offset for some other pstate, pstate 0 will obey the most 200 MHz restriction, even if it was not meant for it.
nvmlDeviceGetMinMaxClockOfPState always reports current clock offset as 0 (for all pstates), even if it was previously set by nvmlDeviceSetClockOffsets, which is a pretty major issue for an API supposed to replace old functionality. Min/max offsets are returned as expected.
Tested on Linux with GTX 1650 Super and RTX 4060 Laptop, running open source drivers 565.77.
Are per-pstate clock offsets reserved for enterprise-grade hardware or is this just a bug? If it’s the former, can we please at least get a working nvmlDeviceGetMinMaxClockOfPState (with offset being reported for all pstates, I guess) and a way to query if offsets are per-pstate or not?
P.S.: not very hopeful for a reply given the general inactivity on this forum, but worth a shot nonetheless.
P.P.S: Happy new year!
I’m having quite a few issues with the new clockoffset nvml stuff as well. Here is my very basic python script which I am using:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from pynvml import *
import argparse
# Initialize NVML
# Setup command line argument parsing
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Set GPU clock offsets and power limit.')
parser.add_argument('max_clock', type=int, help='Maximum GPU clock in MHz')
parser.add_argument('core_offset', type=int, help='Core clock offset in MHz')
parser.add_argument('memory_offset', type=int, help='Memory clock offset in MHz')
parser.add_argument('power_limit', type=int, help='Power limit in watts')
# Parse the arguments
args = parser.parse_args()
# GPU handle
handle = nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex(0)
# Clock types
'memory': NVML_CLOCK_MEM,
# Function to set clock offset
def set_offsets(handle, clock_type, clock_offset):
struct = c_nvmlClockOffset_t()
struct.version = nvmlClockOffset_v1
struct.type = clock_type
struct.pstate = 0 # only affect pstate 0
struct.clockOffsetMHz = clock_offset
nvmlDeviceSetClockOffsets(handle, struct)
# Lock the GPU clock range
nvmlDeviceSetGpuLockedClocks(handle, 0, args.max_clock)
# Set the core and memory offsets
set_offsets(handle, CLOCK_TYPES['core'], args.core_offset) # Core offset
set_offsets(handle, CLOCK_TYPES['memory'], args.memory_offset * 2) # Memory offset
# Set power management limit
nvmlDeviceSetPowerManagementLimit(handle, args.power_limit * 1000) # Convert to milliwatts
# Shutdown NVML
it is able to set the power limit and set the max core clock to whatever i set as max_clock, however completely fails to set pstate 0 clock offsets both for core and memory.
I think nvidia has broken something in the recent releases.
Nvidia 570 series fixed the nvmlDeviceGetMinMaxClockOfPState issue (probably related to nvidia-setting switching to NVML). So that’s one issue down. nvmlDeviceSetClockOffsets still affects all pstates, though.