nvmlDeviceGetName problem in WSL on Windows

Using the python interface via nvidia-ml-py-12.550.52, the latest drivers 555.85 return a bad result for nvmlDeviceGetName when used in WSL2 on Windows10/Windows11. Other users experiences (as seen at nvmlDeviceGetName throws UnicodeDecodeError invalid start byte · Issue #53 · gpuopenanalytics/pynvml · GitHub) are similar. This is a regression in the new drivers. The value returned is 60 bytes of a 5-byte pattern starting with 248

[248, 149, 160, 129, 142, 248, 145, 128, 129, 137, 248, 144, 144, 129, 137, 
 248, 145, 176, 128, 160, 248, 145, 160, 129, 165, 248, 156, 160, 129, 175,
 248, 153, 144, 129, 163, 248, 145, 176, 128, 160, 248, 150, 128, 129, 148,
 248, 140, 144, 128, 160, 248, 141, 160, 128, 182, 248, 136, 128, 128, 176]

where on the host windows (with the new drivers) I get the proper value

[78, 86, 73, 68, 73, 65, 32, 71, 101, 70, 111, 114, 99, 101, 32, 71, 84, 88, 32, 49, 54, 54, 48, 32, 83, 85, 80, 69, 82]

which is b'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER'

On the pynvml issue there is a comment

This issue has been escalated to the NVML team and the fix has been merged into the upcoming r560 driver branch. I do not believe there are plans to re-release the short-loved r555 branch.

How did they get a response from Nvidia? Very rarely do they respond to NVML issues, nevermind fixing anything.