nvprof to profile multiple kernel names

Hi all,

Does any one know how to profile multiple kernel names with nvprof.

I can use nvprof --kernels “kernelName” to specify one kernel name but I don’t know how to add another name under this option.


Oh I found the solution. I need to specify kernelName1|kernelName2|Kernelnamen.


–kernels “kernel1” --metrics gld_efficiency --kernels “kernel2” --metrics gld_efficiency


$ nvprof --kernels "ewMulti" --metrics gld_efficiency --kernels "SwapKernel"  --metrics gld_efficiency ./t96
==26396== NVPROF is profiling process 26396, command: ./t96
==26396== Some kernel(s) will be replayed on device 0 in order to collect all events/metrics.
Replaying kernel "ewMulti(double2*, double2*)" (done)
Replaying kernel "SwapKernel(double2*, double2*)" (done)
y = x'*x = 7.000000 5.000000i
==26396== Profiling application: ./t96
==26396== Profiling result:
==26396== Metric result:
Invocations                               Metric Name                        Metric Description         Min         Max         Avg
Device "Tesla P100-PCIE-16GB (0)"
    Kernel: SwapKernel(double2*, double2*)
          1                            gld_efficiency             Global Memory Load Efficiency     100.00%     100.00%     100.00%
    Kernel: ewMulti(double2*, double2*)
          1                            gld_efficiency             Global Memory Load Efficiency     100.00%     100.00%     100.00%

Thanks! Robert,

Now I understand that nvprof can specify multiple kernels,metrics,event config.