Nx xaviar problem using both uefi secure boot and disk encryption

hey, i am trying to use UEFI secure boot and disk encryption on a NX Xavier EMMC,
I do not have any fused keys, I use the following command I flash it

sudo ROOTFS_ENC=1 ./flash.sh -i "./sym2_t194.key" --uefi-keys uefi_keys/uefi_keys.conf jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc mmcblk0p1

but on boot, I get the following after which it reboots into the EFI shell

etson UEFI firmware (version 5.0-35550185 built on 2024-02-20T04:21:22+00:00)
ESC   to enter Setup.
F11   to enter Boot Manager Menu.
Enter to continue boot.
**  WARNING: Test Key is used.  **
      ��I/TC: Reserved shared memory is disabled
I/TC: Dynamic shared memory is enabled
I/TC: Normal World virtualization support is disabled
I/TC: Asynchronous notifications are disabled
��L4TLauncher: Attempting Direct Boot
��E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0006
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
��OpenAndReadFileToBuffer: \boot\initrd failed signature verification: Security Vi
ExtLinuxBoot:sds Failed to Authenticate \boot\initrd (Security Violation)
L4TLauncher: Unable to boot via extlinux: Security Violation
L4TLauncher: Attempting Kernel Boot
��E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0006
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
��ReadEncryptedImage: Failed to read data from partition
OpteeDecryptImage: Failed to read data
ReadAndroidStyleKernelPartition: OpteeDecryptImage failed 
Failed to boot kernel:0 partition
����Shutdown state requested 1
Rebooting system ...

I can flash it for uefi secureboot or disk encruption but not combined

hello lucasjeppesen,

may I double check which Jetpack release version you’re working with?
you may also list your steps in details for cross checking. thanks

i am using jetpack 5.1.3, jetson 35.5

for generetating keys for encryption i did ran the following

# [T194 example]
    # This is default KEK2 root key for unfused board
    echo "00000000000000000000000000000000" > kek2.key

    # This is the fixed vector for deriving EKB root key from fuse.
    # It is expected user to replace the FV below with a user specific
    # FV, and code the exact same user specific FV into OP-TEE.
    echo "bad66eb4484983684b992fe54a648bb8" > fv_ekb_t194

    # Generate user-defined symmetric key files
    # For each key, uncomment the random generate key and comment out the next line for production
    openssl rand -rand /dev/urandom -hex 16 > sym_t194.key
    # echo "00000000000000000000000000000000" > sym_t194.key
    openssl rand -rand /dev/urandom -hex 16 > sym2_t194.key
    # echo "00000000000000000000000000000000" > sym2_t194.key
    openssl rand -rand /dev/urandom -hex 16 > auth_t194.key
    # echo "00000000000000000000000000000000" > auth_t194.key

    python3 ../gen_ekb.py -chip t194 -kek2_key kek2.key \
            -fv fv_ekb_t194 \
            -in_sym_key sym_t194.key \
            -in_sym_key2 sym2_t194.key \
            -in_auth_key auth_t194.key \
            -out eks_t194.img

after which I copyed the eks_t194.img to the Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/
and copyed sym2_t194.key to Linux_for_Tegra/

for creating the keys for uefi I ran the following commands from the Linux_for_Tegra folder

mkdir uefi_keys
cd uefi_keys

openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout PK.key  -new -x509 -sha256 -days 3650 -subj "/CN=my Platform Key/" -out PK.crt

openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout KEK.key  -new -x509 -sha256 -days 3650 -subj "/CN=my Key Exchange Key/" -out KEK.crt

openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout db_1.key  -new -x509 -sha256 -days 3650 -subj "/CN=my Signature Database key/" -out db_1.crt

openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout db_2.key  -new -x509 -sha256 -days 3650 -subj "/CN=my another Signature Database key/" -out db_2.crt

and created the uefi_keys.conf in the uefi_keys/ folder the the following


then I ran

cd ..
sudo tools/gen_uefi_default_keys_dts.sh uefi_keys/uefi_keys.conf
sudo chmod 644 uefi_keys/_out/*.auth

and after this I ran the flashing command

sudo ROOTFS_ENC=1 ./flash.sh -i "./sym2_t194.key" --uefi-keys uefi_keys/uefi_keys.conf jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc mmcblk0p1

hello lucasjeppesen,

let’s narrow down the issue,
please check you’re able to boot up with disk encryption only (i.e. ROOTFS_ENC=1)

according to r35.6.0 release node,
please moving to the latest JP-5 release version if that’s booting failure with UEFI secureboot.
re-cap the fixed issue as below…

Issue-4554302: Boot issue in UEFI variable authentication.

I could boot it with encryption in Jetson 35.6/jetpack 5.1.4

my steps

  1. generate ekb using gen_ekb.py from optee(git://nv-tegra.nvidia.com/tegra/optee-src/nv-optee.git) on tag jetson_35.6 using the following script

# Copyright (c) 2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause

# [T194 example]
# This is default KEK2 root key for unfused board
echo "00000000000000000000000000000000" > kek2.key

# This is the fixed vector for deriving EKB root key from fuse.
# It is expected user to replace the FV below with a user specific
# FV, and code the exact same user specific FV into OP-TEE.
echo "bad66eb4484983684b992fe54a648bb8" > fv_ekb_t194

# Generate user-defined symmetric key files
# A random generate key is recommended for production, and a specified key is recommended for testing
# For each key, there are reference examples for generating random key and specifying keys.
openssl rand -rand /dev/urandom -hex 16 > sym_t194.key
# echo "00000000000000000000000000000000" > sym_t194.key
openssl rand -rand /dev/urandom -hex 16 > sym2_t194.key
# echo "00000000000000000000000000000000" > sym2_t194.key
openssl rand -rand /dev/urandom -hex 16 > auth_t194.key
# echo "00000000000000000000000000000000" > auth_t194.key

python3 gen_ekb.py -chip t194 -kek2_key kek2.key \
       -fv fv_ekb_t194 \
       -in_sym_key sym_t194.key \
       -in_sym_key2 sym2_t194.key \
       -in_auth_key auth_t194.key \
       -out eks_t194.img
  1. copy eks_t194.img to Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/
  2. copy sym2_t194.key to Linux_for_Tegra/
  3. flash using the following command
sudo ROOTFS_ENC=1 ./flash.sh -i "./sym2_t194.key" jetson-xavier-nx-devkit mmcblk0p1 | tee ../flashing_script.log

the logs are here
log from flasing.sh
flashing_script.log (485.6 KB)
log from uart
flash_enc.log (78.8 KB)

i tried to use uefi secure boot in the same workspace

and i got the samme error as from the begin

i did the following

  1. ran the following commands
mkdir uefi_keys
cd uefi_keys
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout PK.key  -new -x509 -sha256 -days 3650 -subj "/CN=my Platform Key/" -out PK.crt
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout KEK.key  -new -x509 -sha256 -days 3650 -subj "/CN=my Key Exchange Key/" -out KEK.crt
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout db_1.key  -new -x509 -sha256 -days 3650 -subj "/CN=my Signature Database key/" -out db_1.crt
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout db_1.key  -new -x509 -sha256 -days 3650 -subj "/CN=my Signature Database key/" -out db_1.crt
  1. created the uefi_keys.conf in Linux_for_Tegra/uefi_keys/ with the following
  1. genered the device tree files
cd ..
sudo tools/gen_uefi_default_keys_dts.sh uefi_keys/uefi_keys.conf
sudo chmod 644 uefi_keys/_out/*.auth
  1. flash the device
sudo ./flash.sh --uefi-keys uefi_keys/uefi_keys.conf jetson-xavier-nx-devkit mmcblk0p1 | tee ../flashing_script_secureboot.log

here are the logs
log from flash.sh
flashing_script_secureboot.log (469.8 KB)
log from uart
flash_secureboot.log (79.4 KB)

Hi lucasjeppesen,

Are you using Xavier NX with SD module or eMMC module?
It seems like eMMC module in original post (jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc).
Why you specify jetson-xavier-nx-devkit currently which is used for SD module?

Do you update eks image in this attempt?

I started using the EMMC module, I have changed to the SD card module as it made more sense for something else I was doing. Does it make a difference if I am using the SD card module or the EMMC?
I used the same EKS image for the UEFI flash as I did for the enc flash

i tried flashing the emmc module and got the same results, I used the same workspace as the sd card module.
there are the logs:
enc flash script out:
flashing_script_emmc.log (482.7 KB)
enc uart out:
flash_enc_emmc.log (78.5 KB)
secure boot flash script out:
flashing_script_secureboot_emmc.log (455.0 KB)
secure boot uart out:
flash_secureboot_emmc.log (81.2 KB)

Could you also perform this when you are verifying to enable UEFI secureboot?

And check if you would still hit the following errors during boot up.

ÿäE/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0006
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007
E/TA:  decrypt_image:99 TEE_InvokeTACommand failed with res = 0xffff0007

the logs I have sent with secure boot are using the eks_t194.img from the encryption, as I used the same Linux_for_Tegra folder

Please remove the line of -in_sym_key sym_t194.key \ in script to generate eks image and replace it to verify UEFI secureboot again.