We are using OpenACC in our application and taking a look at OpenMP offload features (NVHPC v21.9). I see that when -gpu=nordc
option is used with OpenMP offload then kernels are not launched on GPU. This works with OpenACC. For example, a simple C example:
$ cat bug.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main (){
int N = 100;
float x[100];
float y[100];
for(int i=0; i<N; i++) {
x[i] = i;
// #pragma acc parallel loop copyin(x[0:N]) copyout(y[0:N])
#pragma omp target teams distribute parallel for map(to: x[0:N]) map(from: y[0:N])
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){
y[i] += 3*x[i];
printf("%g\n", y[5]);
return 0;
and compile as:
$ nvc -mp=gpu -gpu=nordc -Minfo=accel,mp bug.c
10, #omp target teams distribute parallel for
10, Generating Tesla and Multicore code
Generating "nvkernel_main_F1L10_1" GPU kernel
16, Loop parallelized across teams and threads(128), schedule(static)
10, Generating map(from:y[:N])
Generating map(to:x[:N])
But when I execute, I don’t see any GPU kernel launch:
$ nvprof ./a.out
==15021== NVPROF is profiling process 15021, command: ./a.out
==15021== Profiling application: ./a.out
==15021== Profiling result:
Type Time(%) Time Calls Avg Min Max Name
GPU activities: 54.23% 2.4640us 1 2.4640us 2.4640us 2.4640us [CUDA memcpy DtoH]
45.77% 2.0800us 1 2.0800us 2.0800us 2.0800us [CUDA memcpy HtoD]
API calls: 81.07% 204.67ms 2 102.34ms 315ns 204.67ms cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain
10.27% 25.937ms 1 25.937ms 25.937ms 25.937ms cuMemHostAlloc
8.03% 20.276ms 1 20.276ms 20.276ms 20.276ms cuMemAllocManaged
0.37% 939.25us 1 939.25us 939.25us 939.25us cuMemAllocHost
0.08% 205.15us 3 68.382us 6.0140us 191.10us cuMemAlloc
0.06% 155.46us 45 3.4540us 125ns 144.85us cuDeviceGetAttribute
0.05% 133.04us 4 33.260us 28.169us 45.077us cuDeviceGetName
0.01% 32.675us 1 32.675us 32.675us 32.675us cuMemcpyHtoDAsync
0.01% 24.818us 1 24.818us 24.818us 24.818us cuMemcpyDtoHAsync
0.01% 17.864us 2 8.9320us 6.9090us 10.955us cuStreamSynchronize
0.00% 11.425us 4 2.8560us 1.0110us 7.3710us cuDeviceGetPCIBusId
0.00% 11.071us 1 11.071us 11.071us 11.071us cuStreamCreate
0.00% 10.965us 2 5.4820us 3.9420us 7.0230us cuPointerGetAttributes
0.00% 7.9440us 1 7.9440us 7.9440us 7.9440us cuEventRecord
0.00% 6.3070us 2 3.1530us 923ns 5.3840us cuEventCreate
0.00% 4.6700us 3 1.5560us 392ns 3.3220us cuCtxSetCurrent
0.00% 4.5810us 12 381ns 116ns 2.5750us cuDeviceGet
0.00% 3.9870us 1 3.9870us 3.9870us 3.9870us cuEventSynchronize
0.00% 1.7530us 1 1.7530us 1.7530us 1.7530us cuCtxGetCurrent
0.00% 1.3970us 4 349ns 184ns 601ns cuDeviceGetCount
0.00% 709ns 1 709ns 709ns 709ns cuInit
0.00% 706ns 4 176ns 123ns 320ns cuDeviceComputeCapability
0.00% 131ns 1 131ns 131ns 131ns cuDriverGetVersion
OpenACC (excl): 99.13% 26.128ms 1 26.128ms 26.128ms 26.128ms acc_enter_data@bug.c:10
0.25% 67.000us 1 67.000us 67.000us 67.000us acc_exit_data@bug.c:10
0.25% 66.977us 1 66.977us 66.977us 66.977us acc_enqueue_download@bug.c:18
0.17% 43.732us 1 43.732us 43.732us 43.732us acc_enqueue_upload@bug.c:10
0.09% 22.474us 1 22.474us 22.474us 22.474us acc_wait@bug.c:18
0.06% 15.976us 1 15.976us 15.976us 15.976us acc_wait@bug.c:10
0.05% 12.263us 1 12.263us 12.263us 12.263us acc_device_init@bug.c:10
0.00% 0ns 2 0ns 0ns 0ns acc_delete@bug.c:18
0.00% 0ns 2 0ns 0ns 0ns acc_create@bug.c:10
0.00% 0ns 2 0ns 0ns 0ns acc_alloc@bug.c:10
==15021== Unified Memory profiling result:
Total CPU Page faults: 1
Without -gpu=nordc
I see expected output:
$ nvc -mp=gpu -Minfo=accel,mp bug.c
10, #omp target teams distribute parallel for
10, Generating Tesla and Multicore code
Generating "nvkernel_main_F1L10_1" GPU kernel
16, Loop parallelized across teams and threads(128), schedule(static)
10, Generating map(from:y[:N])
Generating map(to:x[:N])
$ nvprof ./a.out
==18506== NVPROF is profiling process 18506, command: ./a.out
==18506== Profiling application: ./a.out
==18506== Profiling result:
Type Time(%) Time Calls Avg Min Max Name
GPU activities: 43.81% 4.1920us 1 4.1920us 4.1920us 4.1920us nvkernel_main_F1L10_1
33.44% 3.2000us 2 1.6000us 1.3760us 1.8240us [CUDA memcpy HtoD]
With OpenACC, -gpu=nordc
$ nvc -acc -gpu=nordc -Minfo=accel,mp bug.c
10, Generating copyin(x[:N]) [if not already present]
Generating copyout(y[:N]) [if not already present]
Generating Tesla code
16, #pragma acc loop gang, vector(96) /* blockIdx.x threadIdx.x */
$ nvprof ./a.out
==19080== NVPROF is profiling process 19080, command: ./a.out
==19080== Profiling application: ./a.out
==19080== Profiling result:
Type Time(%) Time Calls Avg Min Max Name
GPU activities: 55.39% 4.9280us 1 4.9280us 4.9280us 4.9280us main_10_gpu
24.11% 2.1450us 1 2.1450us 2.1450us 2.1450us [CUDA memcpy DtoH]
20.50% 1.8240us 1 1.8240us 1.8240us 1.8240us [CUDA memcpy HtoD]
Am I missing something? Or any other flag/option needs to be used with -mp=gpu -gpu=nordc