I am having one image processing related CUDA application which previously was being used with K600 card - recently the hardware is changed to K620. Problem is the output values are coming little different than the previous one. So my client is little concerned about the accuracy part. If this is a known thing that there will be difference in floating point calculations between Kepler and Maxwell - then I will be very helpful if some one can share with me the link confirming that. [Note: not all the resultant pixel values are changing but a big number of pixels showing change in decimal part]
[P.S. I am building my application in CUDA toolkit 4.0 with VS 2008. there are some instructions present in Nvidia site to support Maxwell architecture. But my application is running properly with Maxwell card - so I’m not sure if I missed some thing - or any new changes are needed in the cuda rule set - I tried to put sm_35 in the rule set (as mentioned in the nvidia site for Maxwell) but if I use sm_35 configuration build is not successful. So I am currently building with default rule sets in cuda 4.0 toolkit .]