Packaged Extension (kit-app-template based) not importing in the Kit

Hi, I created an extension using kit-app-template, which works locally. When I package the app and try to install the extension using the packaged zip (fat package), it doesn’t show any error in the console, but the extension doesn’t load in the kit app. To further test, I checked out the kit-app template and created a default extension, Python UI, ran the repo.bat package, and then tried importing that to the kit app, but that didn’t work either. However, if I manually add the path to \\exts> in the Extensions Settings, then it works.

How can I adjust the repo.bat package function so that it packages the folder structure correctly?

When you say you tried to install it… how? Normally you just need to copy the extension folder into the main “exts” folder, usually at “C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\ov\data\exts\v2” to get it, in the right place. Then use the Extensions Manager to install and activate it. However, manually adding it, is totally fine as well.