Playback error

Tx2 failed to playback a 4k mp4 file.
However, Tx2 did work to play a 1080p mp4 file.

Here are the command we used and the video did not display.
Is there any command we need to modify?

nvidia@tegra-ubuntu:~/h264_5_test/testImage$ gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location= 4K-420-60Eel.mp4 ! qtdemux name=demuxdemux.video_0 ! queue ! h264parse ! omxh264dec ! autovideosink
Setting pipeline to PAUSED …
Pipeline is PREROLLING …
NvMMLiteOpen : Block : BlockType = 261
TVMR: NvMMLiteTVMRDecBlockOpen: 7647: NvMMLiteBlockOpen
NvMMLiteBlockCreate : Block : BlockType = 261
TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1179: BeginSequence 3840x2160, bVPR = 0
TVMR: LowCorner Frequency = 345000
TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1529: DecodeBuffers = 4, pnvsi->eCodec = 4, codec = 0
TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1600: Display Resolution : (3840x2160)
TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1601: Display Aspect Ratio : (3840x2160)
TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1669: ColorFormat : 5
TVMR: cbBeginSequence:1680 ColorSpace = NvColorSpace_YCbCr709
TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1809: SurfaceLayout = 3
TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1902: NumOfSurfaces = 11, InteraceStream = 0, InterlaceEnabled = 0, bSecure = 0, MVC = 0 Semiplanar = 1, bReinit = 1, BitDepthForSurface = 8 LumaBitDepth = 8, ChromaBitDepth = 8, ChromaFormat = 5
TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1904: BeginSequence ColorPrimaries = 1, TransferCharacteristics = 1, MatrixCoefficients = 1
Allocating new output: 3840x2160 (x 11), ThumbnailMode = 0
OPENMAX: HandleNewStreamFormat: 3464: Send OMX_EventPortSettingsChanged : nFrameWidth = 3840, nFrameHeight = 2160
Pipeline is PREROLLED …
Setting pipeline to PLAYING …
New clock: GstSystemClock
TVMR: FrameRate = 30
TVMR: NVDEC LowCorner Freq = (345000 * 1024)
TVMR: FrameRate = 30.000030
TVMR: FrameRate = 30.000030
TVMR: FrameRate = 30.000030
TVMR: NvMMLiteTVMRDecDoWork: 6531: NVMMLITE_TVMR: EOS detected
TVMR: TVMRBufferProcessing: 5486: Processing of EOS
TVMR: TVMRBufferProcessing: 5563: Processing of EOS Done
Got EOS from element “pipeline0”.
Execution ended after 0:00:12.466296450
Setting pipeline to PAUSED …
Setting pipeline to READY …
TVMR: TVMRFrameStatusReporting: 6132: Closing TVMR Frame Status Thread -------------
TVMR: TVMRVPRFloorSizeSettingThread: 5942: Closing TVMRVPRFloorSizeSettingThread -------------
TVMR: TVMRFrameDelivery: 5982: Closing TVMR Frame Delivery Thread -------------
TVMR: NvMMLiteTVMRDecBlockClose: 7815: Done
Setting pipeline to NULL …

Playbacked another 1080p file ok

nvidia@tegra-ubuntu:~/h264_5_test/testImage$ gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location= V4l2_test.mp4 ! qtdemux name=demuxdemux.video_0 ! queue ! h264parse ! omxh264dec ! autovideosink
Setting pipeline to PAUSED …
Pipeline is PREROLLING …
NvMMLiteOpen : Block : BlockType = 261
TVMR: NvMMLiteTVMRDecBlockOpen: 7647: NvMMLiteBlockOpen
NvMMLiteBlockCreate : Block : BlockType = 261
TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1179: BeginSequence 1920x1088, bVPR = 0
TVMR: LowCorner Frequency = 180000
TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1529: DecodeBuffers = 14, pnvsi->eCodec = 4, codec = 0
TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1600: Display Resolution : (1920x1080)
TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1601: Display Aspect Ratio : (1920x1080)
TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1669: ColorFormat : 5
TVMR: cbBeginSequence:1683 ColorSpace = NvColorSpace_YCbCr601
TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1809: SurfaceLayout = 3
TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1902: NumOfSurfaces = 21, InteraceStream = 0, InterlaceEnabled = 0, bSecure = 0, MVC = 0 Semiplanar = 1, bReinit = 1, BitDepthForSurface = 8 LumaBitDepth = 8, ChromaBitDepth = 8, ChromaFormat = 5
TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1904: BeginSequence ColorPrimaries = 2, TransferCharacteristics = 2, MatrixCoefficients = 2
Allocating new output: 1920x1088 (x 21), ThumbnailMode = 0
OPENMAX: HandleNewStreamFormat: 3464: Send OMX_EventPortSettingsChanged : nFrameWidth = 1920, nFrameHeight = 1088
Pipeline is PREROLLED …
Setting pipeline to PLAYING …
New clock: GstSystemClock
TVMR: FrameRate = 30
TVMR: NVDEC LowCorner Freq = (180000 * 1024)
TVMR: FrameRate = 25.714344
TVMR: FrameRate = 25.714344
TVMR: FrameRate = 25.714344
^[TVMR: NvMMLiteTVMRDecDoWork: 6531: NVMMLITE_TVMR: EOS detected
TVMR: TVMRBufferProcessing: 5486: Processing of EOS
TVMR: FrameRate = 25.899288
TVMR: TVMRBufferProcessing: 5563: Processing of EOS Done
Got EOS from element “pipeline0”.
Execution ended after 0:00:18.664391621
Setting pipeline to PAUSED …
Setting pipeline to READY …
TVMR: TVMRFrameStatusReporting: 6132: Closing TVMR Frame Status Thread -------------
TVMR: TVMRVPRFloorSizeSettingThread: 5942: Closing TVMRVPRFloorSizeSettingThread -------------
TVMR: TVMRFrameDelivery: 5982: Closing TVMR Frame Delivery Thread -------------
TVMR: NvMMLiteTVMRDecBlockClose: 7815: Done
Setting pipeline to NULL …
Freeing pipeline …

Thank you for any advice,

Probably your TV does not support 4K output. You may try

$ gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location= 4K-420-60Eel.mp4 ! qtdemux name=demuxdemux.video_0 ! queue ! h264parse ! omxh264dec ! nvvidconv ! 'video/x-raw(memory:NVMM),width=1920,height=1080' ! nvoverlaysink

We are deprecating omxplugins. You may also replace with nvv4l2decoder and try.

Hi DaneLLL,

Thank you for your prompt support.
Yes. The commend your provided works.

Your are right, my TV does not support 4K.

Plus, which L4T will provide nvv4l2decoder?
As I tested it on L4t v28.2.1, got “no element “nvv4l2swcoder”.”

Or do we need to install any lib to get it work?

Thank you,

On r28.2.1, please use omx plugins. On r32 releases, we have implemented v4l2 plugins in order to unifying interfaces of Jetson platforms and desk GPUs.

Hi DaneLLL,

Thanks a lot.

Hi DaneLLL,

we failed to playback a 10bit 420 file by using the command.
Is there any plugin to support it?

The error message:
nvidia@tegra-ubuntu:~/h264_5_test/testImage$ gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=4K-420-10bit-HDR_Sample_10b_HEVC.mp4 ! qtdemux name=demuxdemux.video_0 ! queue ! h264parse ! omxh264dec ! nvvidconv ! ‘video/x-raw(memory:NVMM),width=1920,height=1080’ ! nvoverlaysink
Setting pipeline to PAUSED …
Pipeline is PREROLLING …
WARNING: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstQTDemux:demuxdemux.video_0: Delayed linking failed.
Additional debug info:
./grammar.y(506): gst_parse_no_more_pads (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstQTDemux:demuxdemux.video_0:
failed delayed linking some pad of GstQTDemux named demuxdemux.video_0 to some pad of GstQueue named queue0
ERROR: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstQTDemux:demuxdemux.video_0: GStreamer encountered a general stream error.
Additional debug info:
qtdemux.c(5520): gst_qtdemux_loop (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstQTDemux:demuxdemux.video_0:
streaming stopped, reason not-linked
ERROR: pipeline doesn’t want to preroll.
Setting pipeline to NULL …
Freeing pipeline …

Thank you for any command,

Please try

$ gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location= jellyfish-10-mbps-hd-hevc-10bit.mkv ! matroskademux ! h265parse ! nvv4l2decoder ! nvvidconv ! 'video/x-raw(memory:NVMM),format=NV12' ! nvoverlaysink

The file is from

10-bit content is not supported by nvoverlaysink. Please convert to 8-bit NV12.

Hi DaneLLL,

Thank you for your prompt support.
However, we got WARNING: erroneous pipeline: no element “nvv4l2decoder.” as used the new commend you provided.

Count not find a way to install the element?
The L4T I used is R28.2.1.

Thank you for any advice,

Onr28.2.1, please run

$ gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location= jellyfish-10-mbps-hd-hevc-10bit.mkv ! matroskademux ! h265parse ! omxh265dec ! nvvidconv ! 'video/x-raw(memory:NVMM),format=NV12' ! nvoverlaysink

Hi DaneLLL,

Thank you for your support.

h265parse ! omxh265dec ! nvvidconv ! ‘video/x-raw(memory:NVMM),format=NV12’ ! nvoverlaysink

