Hi All,
I’m having some trouble getting the CUDA samples to run, getting the following error for “deviceQuery”
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
cudaGetDeviceCount returned 35
→ CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version
Result = FAIL
My Environment:
MacOS 10.13.6 (MBP 2017)
NVIDIA Web-Drivers 387.
CUDA-Drivers 387.178
CUDA 9.1 Toolkit
XCode 8.3.2
GPU Card: MSI RTX 2080 Ti - Connected through eGPU RAZER X
CUDA preferences window shows:
CUDA driver Version: 387.128 (no GPU Detected)
GPU Driver Version: No version found
pwd: /Developer/NVIDIA/CUDA-9.1/samples
$ nvcc -V
nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver
Copyright (c) 2005-2017 NVIDIA Corporation
Built on Tue_Dec_19_21:36:29_CST_2017
Cuda compilation tools, release 9.1, V9.1.128
$ kextstat | grep -i cuda
185 0 0xffffff7f86eab000 0x2000 0x2000 com.nvidia.CUDA (1.1.0) 4329B052-6C8A-3900-8E83-744487AEDEF1 <4 1>
here is the output of deviceQuery
$ ./bin/x86_64/darwin/release/deviceQuery
./bin/x86_64/darwin/release/deviceQuery Starting…
CUDA Device Query (Runtime API) version (CUDART static linking)
cudaGetDeviceCount returned 35
→ CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version
Result = FAIL