--ptxas-options=-v - names of kernels in output Deciphering names of kernels in the output of --ptxa


How does one relate the entry function names in the output from --ptxas-options=-v to the global kernels in the source file – for example, the output of “make ptxas=1” from /C/src/reduction has lines such as:

ptxas info    : Compiling entry function '_Z7reduce6IdLj1ELb0EEvPT_S1_j' for 'sm_20'

ptxas info    : Used 16 registers, 52 bytes cmem[0], 4 bytes cmem[16]

ptxas info    : Compiling entry function '_Z7reduce6IdLj2ELb0EEvPT_S1_j' for 'sm_20'

ptxas info    : Used 16 registers, 52 bytes cmem[0]


and reduce6() has the prototype:

template <class T, unsigned int blockSize, bool nIsPow2>

__global__ void

reduce6(T *g_idata, T *g_odata, unsigned int n);

So which flavor of reduce6 does _Z7reduce6IdLj1ELb0EEvPT_S1_j correspond to?


c++filt (shipped with gcc) on a recent Linux system can decode these, but the c++filt on Mac OS X can’t.

_Z7reduce6IdLj1ELb0EEvPT_S1_j = void reduce6<double, 1u, false>(double*, double*, unsigned int)

_Z7reduce6IdLj2ELb0EEvPT_S1_j = void reduce6<double, 2u, false>(double*, double*, unsigned int)

Try this online demangler: https://demangler.com/