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Topic Description
Detailed Description
Hello Guys,
We’re working on creating a work station with multiple robots in it. As I’m trying to simulate it in Isaac Sim I ran into a minor issue once I was trying to publish my robots JointState as ros topic.
The issue seem to be that the ROS publishing frequency is not the same as the Isaac Sim’s step/time index (or something like that) which avoids my publishing function to get the robots joint state sometimes.
The simulation is not crashing, but it gives me the error below:
PhysX error: PxArticulationReducedCoordinate::copyInternalStateToCache() not allowed while simulation is running. Call will be ignored., FILE /builds/omniverse/physics/physx/source/physx/src/NpArticulationReducedCoordinate.cpp, LINE 197
Generally, I call my publish function (for each robot individually) independant from the my whole code’s flow:
publish_rate = 10.0
for robot in robots:
robot._js_pub_interval = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(10.0 / publish_rate), robot.ros_js_publisher)
while simulation_app.is_running():
# Rendering The World
if not test._my_world.is_playing():
if i % 100 == 0:
print("**** Click Play to start simulation *****")
i += 1
step_index = test._my_world.current_time_step_index
# Re initializing robots defined in the list
for robot in robots:
if step_index < 20:
Since I’m planning to use CuRobo IK algorithm to generate movements to my robots, it might take time to compute the path. Therefore, my logic was to creat a function that can be called independent from my code’s runtime and be able to publish all the robot’s JointState as ROS topics even in the moments that the code is stucked on CuRobo’s IK path planning.
I would be happy to have your help on removing this error/warning which is kind of distrupting once the simulation starts.
Steps to Reproduce
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Error Messages
PhysX error: PxArticulationReducedCoordinate::copyInternalStateToCache() not allowed while simulation is running. Call will be ignored., FILE /builds/omniverse/physics/physx/source/physx/src/NpArticulationReducedCoordinate.cpp, LINE 197
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