Question about nvmlDeviceGetPowerUsage_v2 with H100


I found that nvmlDeviceGetPowerUsage_v2 API was added to NVML v535 to retrieve current power usage, which is newer version of older nvmlDeviceGetPowerUsage (v1) API.

However, I cannot call nvmlDeviceGetPowerUsage_v2 API. I am using NVML v550.54.15 shipped with CUDA 12.4, with H100 GPU and V100 GPU. However, nvmlDeviceGetPowerUsage_v2 API cannot be called, and it returns error (NVML_ERROR_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND).

So, would you address following questions? I didn’t find any docs for this.

  1. What NVML version do I need for H100 support?
  2. What NVML version do I need for V100 support?



Please refer to the nvmlDeviceGetPowerUsage API that is included with NVML in v550, it should work with both H100 and V100. We are in the process of updating the changelog section in the API doc.