Questions about how to proceed Tao Toolkit

I want to know if this pipeline I understand is correct to start TAO Toolkit Quick Start. I’m confused whether I should build a docker container first and run a Jupyter Notebook there, or run Jupyter Notebook directly in a virtual environment, as in the introduction video. I already downloaded all the prerequisites.

  • Like the introduction video
  1. Turn on the terminal and activate virtual env(miniconda)
  2. docker login
  3. cd <path ~cv_samples_v1.3.0>
  4. Deploy jupyter notebook
    (There is nothing on $docker ps -a)
    (In this way, I can’t understand how the local folder mounts to /workspace path)


  • Use Docker Container
  1. Turn on the terminal and activate virtual env(miniconda)
  2. docker login
  3. docker run --runtime=nvidia --name taotool -it -v /home/desktop/tao_tool/cv_samples_v1.3.0:/workspace -p 8888:8888 /bin/bash
    (docker exec -it taotool /bin/bash)
  4. jupyter notebook --ip --port 8888 --allow-root
    (Does I use a virtual environment in this case?)

Is both ways possible??

There are already TAO container. It is not needed for end user to build any docker.

TAO is already updated to 4.0 as of now. The latest notebook is here. TAO Toolkit Quick Start Guide - NVIDIA Docs . Maybe you are watching an old introduction video from 3rd party.

Suggest you to run TAO with installing tao launcher. See more info in TAO Toolkit Quick Start Guide - NVIDIA Docs.

In this case, it is not needed. See TAO Toolkit Quick Start Guide - NVIDIA Docs

Please generate a new topic since it is different from original question. Thanks.

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