Questions about Orin Secure Boot


I’m trying to enable secure boot on my Jetson Orin following the guide at Secure Boot — NVIDIA Jetson Linux Developer Guide 1 documentation, but I have a few questions that I hope can be clarified:

  1. It mentions “the tool has been deprecated” and recommends using the Fuse Burning Toolkit for T234. However, I cannot find any info related to the Fuse Burning Toolkit for T234. Shall I still use for fusing?

  2. It seems that secure boot based on BootROM and fuses only verifies up to the “bootloader” (which I understand to be like MB1 and MB2 in the boot flow?). After that, control is handed over to UEFI, which can then start UEFI Secure Boot with different keys. However, “Sign and Flash Secured Images” section says that image and initrd are signed and flashed using the PKC and SBK keys. What exactly is the “image” referring to here? Is it the bootloader (MB1, MB2, etc.) or the linux kernel image?

  3. The doc states “the security of your device depends on how securely you keep the key file,” and also recommends using an HSM to generate keys. Are there any best practices for key file generation and storage?

Thank you!

hello ancientmodern4,

assume you’ve installed Jetpack release image via SDK Manager. it’ll also downloaded to your local host machine.
for instance,

~/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_5.1.2_Linux_JETSON_AGX_ORIN_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra$ ll odmfuse*
-rw-rw-r-- 1 jerry jerry 34347 Aug  2  2023 odmfuse.func
-rwxrwxr-x 1 jerry jerry 35693 Aug  2  2023*
-rwxrwxr-x 1 jerry jerry  3349 Apr 17 14:18*

please note that… here’re bootloader SecureBoot and UEFI SecureBoot.
according to developer guide, Secure Boot, the root-of-trust that uses the NVIDIA SoCs fuses to authenticate boot codes ends at the Bootloader. After this, the current Bootloader (UEFI) will use UEFI’s Security Keys scheme to authenticate its payloads.
we strongly recommend that users enable fuse-based bootloader secure boot so that the root-of-trust can start from the BootROM.

it’s recommend to generate a truly random number key by HSM. but, there’s no best practices for key file generation and storage.

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