sudo apt install
sudo usermod -a -G docker ${USER}
# Log out, log back in
export EDK2_DEV_IMAGE=""
export EDK2_USER_ARGS="-v \"${HOME}\":\"${HOME}\" -e EDK2_DOCKER_USER_HOME=\"${HOME}\""
export EDK2_BUILD_ROOT="/build"
alias edk2_docker="docker run -it --rm -w \"\$(pwd)\" ${EDK2_BUILDROOT_ARGS} ${EDK2_USER_ARGS} \"${EDK2_DEV_IMAGE}\""
edk2_docker echo hello
edk2_docker init_edkrepo_conf
edk2_docker edkrepo manifest-repos add nvidia main nvidia
edk2_docker edkrepo clone nvidia-uefi NVIDIA-Platforms main
cd nvidia-uefi
edk2_docker edk2-nvidia/Platform/NVIDIA/Jetson/
we are following the docker method. my host PC is ubuntu 20.04
and also can you please let us know which combo we have to use for L4T R36.3 jetson package and OrinaNano combination, since there are many branches we can see in that link
and if we try to download/setup 36.3 branch we get below errors
yeah @KevinFFF,forgot to update you, already its compiled without any modifications and its working fine, now we are trying to update the boot loader as you mentioned in the patch file.
as first step we are able to remove 5s delay in UEFI.
hello @KevinFFF , we have updated the logo in UEFI, but not able to see any logo which have put there4, but NVIDIA logo is not coming now, so is there is another place to change the name aprt from /build/nvidia-uefi-r36.3.0/edk2-nvidia/Platform/NVIDIA/
Do you mean that you’ve replace the Silicon/NVIDIA/Assets/nvidiagray*.bmp with you custom logo but it doesn’t show in UEFI?
Please share your modification for reference.
Hello @KevinFFF , even after making same size of .bmp images as you mentioned, we are not getting the boot logos we put, its coming blank,
please suggest us any modifications or any other places we have to put.?
please find attached logo files, having small and large size both folder, both we tried, not working. please check and confirm us, it will be helpfull to identify weather we are having any mistakes at our end
FYI: we found one path where the array of file names are stored and used with some hex values, anything do we have to do there? below is the path and content related to logos
in vi edk2-nvidia/Silicon/NVIDIA/NVIDIA.dec
It seems the large size log should be used for logo file since the resolution is correct.
Do you get the black screen with some UEFI related version information (Jetson System firmware version 2024xxxx) on display after using your logo files?
I’m not sure if it is caused from BMP version of your logo files.
It is Windows V3 in default logo file, but it is Window V5 in your logo files.
and also there’s none compression in default logo file but Bitfields in yours.
You can use exiftool to get the detailed information for bmp files.