I’m currently facing an issue while attempting to flash my Jetson Orin NX device using the provided flashing tool. The process halts with the error message “Waiting for target to boot-up…
Cleaning up…”
I have tried with the stock kernel which is download from Jetson Linux Archive | NVIDIA Developer version R35.3.1,
but it gave me the same error. Then, I followed some forum suggestions and found that I need to deactivate EEPROM for custom board which dont have EEPROM, so I made those changes.
Yes, the board is made by ourselves.
I have some queries related to kernel customization:
If we are building an image, will the bootloader be included with it?
For the modifications required to disable EEPROM, where should it be done? In the kernel device tree or in the bootloader section?
We have flashed the Orin SOM module and NVME from the development carrier board, and we are currently using that flashed Orin SOM module and NVME for our custom carrier board, which has been designed by ourselves. However, it is still not booting up. Can you suggest where the issue might be?
The only change in our development kit and custom board is that we don’t have an EEPROM, so we are disabling it in the source code. You can refer to the log from previous comment for more details
Our board is inspired by Antmicro, and we have also tried using the Antmicro open-source tools. However, we still encountered the error “Erasing SPI: 0…(Failed) Error: Return value 8.”
Here are the log when try to flash antmicro open source os and screenshots.
We also change that Som module and and place in the Devlopment kit board and it gets flashed correctly without any error. But trying same with our carrier board it get failed.
(All this were done with disabling the EEPROM)