Issue with "Waiting for target to boot-up..." Error while Flashing Jetson Orin NX

No they don’t give any instructions for any change in the device tree, they have One readme file , where they instructed how to flash the source code, they don’t even mention any changes in device tree.

One thing they mention is to make sure your UEFI configuration is reset to default. However, we did not change any configuration file.

Here is the link for your reference,

So clearly they do provide a customized config file using a kernel DTB file different from the one that jetson-orin-nano-devkit.conf uses.
The customized device tree changes are packed in the kernel source, which you have to build yourself.

But we already the source code that they have provided, they also don’t have the optional EEPROM like we also don’t have in our custom carrier board SO , we have not customised any device tree.

Do you understand what I’m saying here?

Hello Dave,

Thank you for the pointers. This opensource design mentions that , custom configuration is already there.

I have built the kernel from the source - GitHub - antmicro/jetson-orin-baseboard-bsp

which are supposed to have these changes.

May be the changes are not appropriate / sufficient or not correct as per our board.

How to validate this? Please advise.

Hello DaveYYY, Thank you for your reply.
You mean to say that we need to customize tegra234-p3767-0000-antmicro-job.dts file and include that in our kernel image?

I am very sorry for such question but I am very new to this. Could you please explain the usage of jetson-orin-nano-devkit.conf file and antmicro-job%2Bp3767.conf ? Do we to understand the difference between these two conf files and accordingly needs to change the dts file ?

NO, I mean you should get this stuff after you compile the kernel and device tree:


Then use antmicro-job+p3767 for flashing, not jetson-orin-nano-devkit.
Everything clear now?

NO, I mean you should get this stuff after you compile the kernel and device tree:


Then use antmicro-job+p3767 for flashing, not jetson-orin-nano-devkit.
Everything clear now?

[Pranal] - My apologies , i dont understand this clearly. I assumed that , dts file is board specific and needs to be compiled to generate corresponding .dtb file…

if this is correct , I would need help in identifying right .dts / .dtb file. I used reference tegra234-p3767-0000-antmicro-job.dtb as this carrier board was used as a reference. But current issue of flashing continues.

I used following command to use flash -

$ sudo ./tools/kernel_flash/ --external-device nvme0n1p1
-c tools/kernel_flash/flash_l4t_external.xml -p “-c bootloader/t186ref/cfg/flash_t234_qspi.xml”
–showlogs --network usb0 antmicro-job+p3767 internal

it has resulted in same “timeout issue”

Log is attached.
flash_log_UART_debug.txt (37.3 KB)
flash_log_terminal.txt (214.5 KB)

We tried the flashing our board again today.

Following the last few lines of the log ( detailed debug & terminal log attached).

It appears that , the flash initialisation is successfull and partitions are also created ( althouh log has different indications).
[ 39.9910 ] Start flashing
[ 40.0001 ] tegradevflash_v2 --pt flash.xml.bin --create
[ 40.0062 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[ 40.0371 ] Erasing spi: 0 … [Done]
[ 41.0459 ] Writing partition secondary_gpt with gpt_secondary_3_0.bin [ 16896 bytes ]
[ 41.0490 ] […] 100%

[ 41.2673 ] Writing partition A_mb1 with mb1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin.encrypt [ 259296 bytes ]
[ 41.2706 ] […] 100%
[ 41.2821 ] Writing partition A_psc_bl1 with psc_bl1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin.encrypt [ 119296 bytes ]
[ 44.4739 ] […] 100%
Error: Return value 8
Command tegradevflash_v2 --pt flash.xml.bin --create
Failed flashing t186ref.

Please advice , what is that we are missing here ?

debug_log_flash__.txt (25.8 KB)

terminal_log_Flash.txt (67.7 KB)

sudo ./ antmicro-job+p3767 internal

This is not going to do anything if the modules does not have eMMC or SD card.
Your board gets stuck at even UEFI, which does look weird.
Maybe ge another USB cable or host PC.

Do you mean to say that we have nothing to modify in dts file to at least boot up the kernel? And currently the issue with mismatch of UEFI and for that we need to use different PC and/or different USB cable ?

these logs are scary and points to some connecting issue with CVM/CVB. because suddenly QSPI write has stopped without any error

While these logs suggests that system has booted to UEFI. But the initial UEFI banner is not there in the log. That should have come. Can you confirm, how your CVB differs from the devkit?

Hello @DaveYYY,

We have attempted flashing from a different PC, but the process failed with the same error. This host PC is running Ubuntu 18.04.

Here are the logs for your reference.
uart_log_00.txt (25.7 KB)
terminal_log_00.txt (67.5 KB)

You should be using

sudo ./tools/kernel_flash/ --external-device nvme0n1p1 \
  -c tools/kernel_flash/flash_l4t_external.xml -p "-c bootloader/t186ref/cfg/flash_t234_qspi.xml" \
  --showlogs --network usb0 antmicro-job+p3767 internal

, not

sudo ./ antmicro-job+p3767 internal

hello @DaveYYY

Thank you for your suggestion.
We tried this on a new host PC running Ubuntu 22.04. We executed this command but still encountered the same error
here are the logs ,
terminal_logs_01.txt (214.7 KB)
uart_logs_01.txt (37.4 KB)

Hello @DaveYYY

We also attempted to flash our board from a new host PC running Ubuntu 20.04 on VMware. We executed the same command but encountered the same error.

Attached are the logs for your reference. These logs pertain to flashing the Orin device from VMware.
uart_log_vmware.txt (32.2 KB)
terminal_log_vmware.txt (214.5 KB)

Are we missing any device tree configurations or other configurations ? Please provide guidance.

Custom_board_Jetson orin_NX.pdf (2.2 MB)
Hi @Bibek @DaveYYY , please find the schematic of our custom Carrier Board in the attached schematic above.
it was a near clone of Antmicro Jetson orin base baord from GitHub - antmicro/jetson-orin-baseboard: Baseboard targetting the NVIDIA Jetson Orin Nano and Jetson Orin NX

Can you please confirm if this module is able to be flashed when attached on a DevKit?

There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue any more.
Hence we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one.

Is this still an issue to support? Any result can be shared?