Looks like the flashing scripts proceeds until it eventually waits for the Jetson to reboot, and after some time waiting without any success, the script exits without completing the procedure. The jetson does not boot up into the OS.
I also tried flashing the nvme externally and then inserting it into the Jetson as explained here, but still the Jetson does not boot up to anything.
I’m suspecting that the bootloader does not get correctly flashed and the Jetson does not even try to load the system from the nvme.
What am I doing wrong?
I’m using this custom carrier board with a production Jetson Orin NX module. The carrier board is fully functional since I successfully flashed a Xavier NX Jetson using the Nvidia SDK Manager (unfortunately the same SDK does not support yet the Orin NX, hence why I have to do this by command line). I am not using the Xavier NX devkit carrier board.
I’m using p3509-a02+p3767-0000 as my board config since this looks like the config for Orin NX modules according to this table. Is the config also dependent on the carrier board or only on the Jetson module? If it depends on the carrier board, how can I find the right config file for my situation?
Please find attached the flash log. log.txt (232.9 KB)
EEPROM is an optional component for a customized carrier board.
If the carrier board is designed without an EEPROM, the following modifications will be needed on the MB2 BCT file: