Flashing fails

I am attempting to get going with my new jetson orin and I am running into issues while trying to flash with jetpack 5.1.2.

  1. I installed vritualbox on my linux host. VM: Ubuntu 18.04
  2. This is the jetson I connect using the appropriate USB-port: https://connecttech.com/product/anvil-embedded-system-with-nvidia-jetson-agx-orin/
  3. I install jetpack on ubuntu. jetpack recognizes the jetson automatically. It downloads all required .deb files and starts installing.
  4. Here is the logfile, describing the issues:
18:30:56 DEBUG: running command < /tmp/device_mode_host_setup.sh >
18:30:56 INFO: Found route default enp0s3, setting up device mode
18:30:56 INFO: [host] [sudo] password for dejhost:
18:30:56 INFO: net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
18:30:56 INFO: Device mode on host successfully set with DNS!
18:30:56 INFO: command finished successfully
18:30:56 DEBUG: running command < true >
18:30:56 INFO: exec_command: true
18:30:56 INFO: command finished successfully
18:30:56 DEBUG: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: using adapter to install NV_L4T_FLASH_JETSON_LINUX_COMP@JETSON_AGX_ORIN_TARGETS to /home/dejhost/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_5.1.2_Linux_JETSON_AGX_ORIN_TARGETS
18:30:56 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: exec_command: /tmp/tmp_NV_L4T_FLASH_JETSON_LINUX_COMP.sh
18:30:56 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: sudo ./nvsdkmanager_flash.sh --nv-auto-config --username dejhost
18:30:56 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [OEMPreconfig] SDKM_INSTALL_ERROR Password for L4T new user dejhost:
18:30:57 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: *** Checking ONLINE mode ... OK.
18:30:57 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: *** Checking target board connection ... 1 connections found.
18:30:57 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: *** Reading ECID ... FUSELEVEL=fuselevel_production hwchipid=0x23 bootauth=NS
18:30:57 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: *** Reading EEPROM ... "/home/dejhost/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_5.1.2_Linux_JETSON_AGX_ORIN_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/tegraflash.py" --chip 0x23 --applet "/home/dejhost/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_5.1.2_Linux_JETSON_AGX_ORIN_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/mb1_t234_prod.bin" --cfg readinfo_t234_min_prod.xml --dev_params tegra234-br-bct-diag-boot.dts --device_config tegra234-mb1-bct-device-p3701-0000.dts --misc_config tegra234-mb1-bct-misc-p3701-0000.dts --bins "mb2_applet applet_t234.bin" --skipuid --cmd "dump eeprom cvm cvm.bin; reboot recovery"
18:30:57 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.0209 ] tegrarcm_v2 --chip 0x23 0 --ismb2applet
18:30:57 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.0215 ] File rcm_state open failed
18:30:57 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.1287 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x23 0 --partitionlayout readinfo_t234_min_prod.xml.bin --list images_list.xml zerosbk
18:30:57 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.1329 ] Header already present for mb1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin
18:30:57 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.1385 ] Header already present for mb1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin
18:30:57 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.1446 ] Header already present for psc_bl1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin
18:30:57 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.1447 ] adding BCH for mb2_t234_aligned.bin
18:30:57 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.1628 ] Header already present for psc_bl1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin
18:30:57 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.1630 ] adding BCH for mb2_t234_aligned.bin
18:30:57 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.1915 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x23 0 --updateblinfo readinfo_t234_min_prod.xml.bin
18:30:57 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.1922 ] WARNING: boot chain is not completed. set to 0
18:30:57 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.1947 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
18:30:57 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.2116 ] WARNING: boot chain is not completed. set to 0
18:30:57 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.2174 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
18:30:57 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.2215 ] Offset :4608 Len :3584
18:30:57 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.2239 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
18:30:57 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.2343 ] Offset :68 Len :8124
18:30:57 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.2368 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_locking_adjust_configuration is not supported
18:30:57 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.2416 ] adding BCH for mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1_aligned.bct
18:30:57 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.2449 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
18:30:57 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.2556 ] MB1-BCT version: 0.10
18:30:57 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.2568 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_locking_diff_configuration is not supported
18:30:57 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.2675 ] adding BCH for mb1_bct_MB1_aligned.bct
18:30:57 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.2703 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
18:30:57 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.2817 ] BR_CID: 0x80012344705DD787800000000BFF0280
18:30:57 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.3137 ] Sending bct_br
18:31:02 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.3544 ] ERROR: might be timeout in USB write.
18:31:02 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: Command tegrarcm_v2 --new_session --chip 0x23 0 --uid --download bct_br br_bct_BR.bct --download mb1 mb1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin.encrypt --download psc_bl1 psc_bl1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin.encrypt --download bct_mb1 mb1_bct_MB1_sigheader.bct.encrypt
18:31:02 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: --- Error: Reading board information failed.
18:31:02 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: command terminated with error
18:31:02 SUMMARY: DateTime Target Setup - target: Depends on failed component

I tried automatic and manual install, and I also reset the jetson (press reset, press power, release power, release reset).

Any help would be much appreciated!

Please do not use VM.

It does not work well in doing flash.

Thank you for the hint. I installed same Ubuntu Version (18.04) “bare metal” and re-initiated the process. Here is the log:

14:11:18 SUMMARY: Drivers for Jetson - target_image: Install completed successfully.
14:19:47 SUMMARY: File System and OS - target_image: Install completed successfully.
14:26:41 SUMMARY: CUDA on Host - host: Install completed successfully.
14:30:04 SUMMARY: CUDA Cross Compile Package on Host - host: Install completed successfully.
14:30:11 SUMMARY: NvSci - host: Install completed successfully.
14:31:03 ERROR: Detected selected device is already in recovery mode. Please 1. double check if correct target device has been selected. 2. if does, change to 'Manual Setup' to continue.
14:31:16 ERROR: VPI on Host - host: |/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
14:31:25 ERROR: Detected selected device is already in recovery mode. Please 1. double check if correct target device has been selected. 2. if does, change to 'Manual Setup' to continue.
14:31:29 SUMMARY: VPI on Host - host: Install completed successfully.
14:31:47 ERROR: Detected selected device is already in recovery mode. Please 1. double check if correct target device has been selected. 2. if does, change to 'Manual Setup' to continue.
14:32:04 SUMMARY: Nsight Systems - host: Install completed successfully.
14:32:07 ERROR: Detected selected device is already in recovery mode. Please 1. double check if correct target device has been selected. 2. if does, change to 'Manual Setup' to continue.
14:32:29 ERROR: Detected selected device is already in recovery mode. Please 1. double check if correct target device has been selected. 2. if does, change to 'Manual Setup' to continue.
14:32:33 SUMMARY: Nsight Graphics - host: Install completed successfully.
14:32:51 ERROR: Detected selected device is already in recovery mode. Please 1. double check if correct target device has been selected. 2. if does, change to 'Manual Setup' to continue.
14:33:20 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.1484 ] ERROR: failed to read rcm_state
14:33:20 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.9339 ] ERROR: carveout /misc/carveout/aux_info@CARVEOUT_UNUSED1/ is not supported
14:33:20 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.9347 ] ERROR: carveout /misc/carveout/aux_info@CARVEOUT_UNUSED1/ is not supported
14:33:20 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.9353 ] ERROR: carveout /misc/carveout/aux_info@CARVEOUT_UNUSED1/ is not supported
14:33:20 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.9361 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_locking_config is not supported
14:33:20 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.9371 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_locking_diff_configuration is not supported
14:33:20 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.9371 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_locking_ref_frequency_configuration is not supported
14:33:20 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.9371 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_locking_control is not supported
14:33:20 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.9371 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_locking_adjust_configuration is not supported
14:33:20 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.9371 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_locking_fast_adjust_configuration is not supported
14:33:20 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.9371 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_locking_adjust_delta_control is not supported
14:33:20 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.9371 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_capture_control_ptx is not supported
14:33:20 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.9372 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_capture_config_ptx is not supported
14:33:20 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.9372 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_stscrsr is not supported
14:33:20 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.9372 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_locking_adjust_num_control is not supported
14:33:21 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 1.0768 ] ERROR: carveout /misc/carveout/aux_info@CARVEOUT_UNUSED1/ is not supported
14:33:21 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 1.0778 ] ERROR: carveout /misc/carveout/aux_info@CARVEOUT_UNUSED1/ is not supported
14:33:21 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 1.0785 ] ERROR: carveout /misc/carveout/aux_info@CARVEOUT_UNUSED1/ is not supported
14:33:21 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 1.0792 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_locking_config is not supported
14:33:21 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 1.0844 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_locking_diff_configuration is not supported
14:33:21 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 1.0851 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_locking_ref_frequency_configuration is not supported
14:33:21 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 1.0871 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_locking_control is not supported
14:33:21 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 1.0887 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_locking_adjust_configuration is not supported
14:33:21 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 1.0962 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_locking_fast_adjust_configuration is not supported
14:33:21 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 1.0962 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_locking_adjust_delta_control is not supported
14:33:21 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 1.0962 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_capture_control_ptx is not supported
14:33:21 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 1.0962 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_capture_config_ptx is not supported
14:33:21 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 1.0962 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_stscrsr is not supported
14:33:21 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 1.0963 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_locking_adjust_num_control is not supported
14:33:21 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 1.1818 ] Error: Skip generating mem_bct because sdram_config is not defined
14:33:21 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 1.1818 ] Error: Skip generating mem_bct because sdram_config is not defined
14:33:26 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 1.2228 ] ERROR: might be timeout in USB write.
14:33:26 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: Error: Return value 3
14:33:26 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: --- Error: Reading board information failed.
14:33:26 ERROR: Flash Jetsthere on Linux - flash: command terminated with error

Jetpack installer also complains that it cannot access the jetson by ssh. Why should it? After the flash, I should be able to get a GUI (I attatched a monitor to the DP).
What are my network-settings supposed to be, if I connect the Ubuntu-host straight with the jetson (10GigE-port, which has steady green LED)? I set ubuntu to a manual IP-address, Network mask Gateway: But my Ubuntu does not accept this: ip a always says that the network is unreachable. Ubuntu network works fine the moment I plug into my LAN-switch, instead of the jetson. However, from the dhcp-server in my LAN I get IP-address

One more question: the fan doesn’t spin. The temperature of the passive cooler remains moderate throughout installation process, but I’m a bit worried about this nevertheless. Of course, the cable of the cooler is plugged in properly. Could you please share your experience?

Thanks again for helping.


Please dump the full log from your sdkmanager instead of this snippet parsed by you.

You can try to follow the document here to flash manually instead of sdkmanager.

This won’t ask you the ssh or IP thing.


Sdkmanager already install those tools and software on your host PC with default path ~/nvidia. So you don’t need to download them again.

Where would I find this logfile?

There is a “EXPORT LOGS” button on your sdkmanager.

Here is the entire zip-file…

SDKM_logs_2023-09-10_18-11-08.zip (227.7 KB)

Are you sure this is based on a new host but not the VM one?

1 Like

yes. the host is an eldery-macbook pro (now running ubuntu)

Ok, if this is based on the ubuntu host, please check the " I get a USB timeout error during flash Orin. How to resolve that?" Q&A in below link.

Disable the auto-suspend on host PC and put the board into recovery mode again.

If you don’t know what is recovery mode, please also tell.

I followed the procedure in the link (incl. recovery mode), and re-initialized the process. Choosing “automatic” mode, jetlink complained about “target device already in recovery mode”. So I am now trying manual mode. I am now at step 03, “Installing …37%”. Keep fingers crossed.

Could you please tell me what network-setup I should set on the host? Or is that irrelevant?

the fan started finally to spin. :-)

That IP/ssh thing is for installing sdk (e.g. CUDA/TensorRT) after system boots up.

I want to add some details about ethernet on USB. When a Jetson is fully running it will have one connector which looks like a wired ethernet device when plugged into the host PC. When the PC does performs its DHCP request the host will get assigned address, and the Jetson end is address If you have configured your host PC to, and if that is on the host PC’s regular ethernet, then this is incorrect and the host would never have a route to the Jetson’s USB virtual ethernet. If this assignment is on the virtual USB device at the host PC end, then this is also wrong since DHCP should have assigned The only way assigning on the host PC would be correct is if this is through the PC’s regular ethernet, and that ethernet is going to the same switch or network the Jetson’s wired ethernet is going to. This would still be wrong unless the virtual ethernet were disabled and the Jetson’s wired network is set to use (you shouldn’t have both the virtual wired and actual wired with the same address or overlapping subnets unless there is something special like bonding going on).

You can easily use the Jetson’s wired interface if it has an address and if that address is accessible to the host PC on the same subnet. Most people, when using wired, would plug the Jetson and the PC into a router and the router would assign addresses through DHCP without manual setting. Manual setting works too if there is no router.

The previous operation was a success. However, I can not proceed with USB- or Ethernet, due to the ssh-server issue.
I do not get the OS login screen when connecting a monitor with DP - even after a restart of the jetson.

I connected both (host and jetson) to a switch using ethernet cables. On the ubuntu-host, I entered a manual IP ( Netmask, Gateway and DNS: This way, ubuntu has access to Internet. The router should provide ubuntu with a IP through dhcp, but it seems to fail (if I turn dhcp on, I get an IP, can ping the router, but I cannot access the internet). I have no such issues no my other linux-machines. On my other linux-machines, I enable dhcp and provide a dns-server. That is sufficient.

Find attached the latest logs. Please let me know how to proceed.

SDKM_logs_2023-09-10_19-17-20.zip (158.0 KB)


Just to clarify. Is your Orin able to be accessed by any method for now or not?

Please disregard my previous post.

No. I cannot access the jetson by any means.

  1. The Monitor (DisplayPort) does not show any image.
  2. If I ping, I do not get a response. I tried manual IP-settings on the host ( I also tried dhcp, with the dhcp-server being No luck.

please check with uart console.

Check the log for what you saw.

Please find attached the boot report. I am not sure what I am supposed to look for.

usbc boot report.txt (75.9 KB)

Do I need to exit the recovery mode for a normal boot? Is that possibly the reason why I don’t get a GUI? Or is this reset evertime I boot?


This log indicates you are not using a NV developer kit. This is a custom board.

This explains why you keep having error here. The software from sdkmanager and jetpack only support NV devkit.