Thanks for the help.
You mean the changes will committed in the github repository as well?
Its very confusing as we dont have time to read every thing.
I was reading the docker method of build UEFI and applying the patch and reflashing
Could you provide the full steps involving this optee image also which works fine.
As we dont have unit with us, and customer is not technically sound, we are finding very difficult.
However, I have documented below steps, pls see, if they are correct.
Actual Steps to follow:
Setup the UEFI workspace directory:
cd ~
mkdir jetsonUefi
cd jetsonUefi
mkdir uefiWorkspace
source every time you start a new session: contents of should as shown below )
# Point to the Ubuntu-22 dev image
export EDK2_DEV_IMAGE=“Package containers/ubuntu-22-dev · GitHub”
# Required
export EDK2_USER_ARGS=“-v "${HOME}":"${HOME}" -e EDK2_DOCKER_USER_HOME="${HOME}"”
# Required, unless you want to build in your home directory.
# Change “/build” to be a suitable build root on your system.
export EDK2_BUILD_ROOT=pwd
# Create the alias
alias edk2_docker=“docker run -it --rm -w "$(pwd)" ${EDK2_BUILDROOT_ARGS} ${EDK2_USER_ARGS} "${EDK2_DEV_IMAGE}"”
Apply the settings:
Add the repo and clone it:
edk2_docker init_edkrepo_conf
edk2_docker edkrepo manifest-repos add nvidia GitHub - NVIDIA/edk2-edkrepo-manifest: NVIDIA fork of tianocore/edk2-edkrepo-manifest main nvidia
# Clone
edk2_docker edkrepo clone $EDK2_BUILD_ROOT NVIDIA-Platforms main
sudo chown -hR $USER ./*
Apply the diff patch:
cd $EDK2_BUILD_ROOT/edk2-nvidia
git apply Varint readfix r35.5.0 by gmahadevan · Pull Request #110 · NVIDIA/edk2-nvidia · GitHub
Note: if the above “git apply” command does not work, do the code changes manually.
Build Jetson UEFI:
$ export UEFI_STMM_PATH=/images/uefi_StandaloneMmOptee_RELEASE.bin
edk2_docker edk2-nvidia/Platform/NVIDIA/Jetson/
Replace the image in Jetpack UEFI, where $JETPACK is point to your Linux_for_Tegra folder:
sudo mv $JETPACK/bootloader/uefi_jetson.bin $JETPACK/bootloader/BACK_UP_uefi_jetson.bin
sudo cp $EDK2_BUILD_ROOT/images/uefi_Jetson_RELEASE.bin $JETPACK/bootloader/uefi_jetson.bin
Flash bootloader only without overwriting the APP partition:
sudo ./ -c bootloader/generic/cfg/flash_t234_qspi.xml jetson-orin-nano-devkit internal
Verification steps
Step 1: Enter UEFI Menu.
Step 2: Select Device Manager → NVIDIA Configuration → Reset Setting.
Step 3: Go back top menu and press Reset to Exit.
Step 4: Check if it can boot with successful
Repeat Step 1 to 4 about 5 times to check if there’s assertion issue.