Replace model in Deepstream SDK on Jetson (Solved)

I have Jetson-TX2, jetpack 3.1, cuda 8.0
Deepstream works good.
Now I want to YOLO darknet model for object detection.
I read the documentation given.
Following steps are given-
The configuration parameters must be specified, as applicable, in:
The configuration parameters that must be specified include:
• model-file
• proto-file
• model-cache, if already generated
• labelfile-path
• mean-file, if required
• offsets, if required
• parse-func, must be set to 0, used for detectors
• parse-bbox-func-name, for detectors
• parse-bbox-lib-name, for detectors

Can I know if anybody have tried to replace the model?
Or Can I know how to do it in depth?
Thank you

For Yolo, our TRT can’t support all layer directly.
So it need IPlugin in TRT, which is not supported in our gst-nvinfer plugin.

So for this network, pls break down the whole pipeline now.
for example:
RTSP-> decode → VIC → APPSINK to get frame data, then use TRT + IPlugin to do inference.

wayne zhu