I have problem about the resource leak related to cuD3D9CtxCreate and cuCtxDestroy.
It seems to me that cuD3D9CtxCreate() increments reference count of IDirect3DDevice9 and IDirect3D9 but cuCtxDestroy() decrement only IDirect3DDevice9. Please let me know if I need to manually decrement reference count for it or just bug of this API?
I tried following sample code and confirmed pD3D9->Release() always return “1”
The environment is Windows Vista / Core2Quad Q6600 RAM 4GByte / GeForce 8600GT / CUDA ToolKit and SDK version is 2.1 / Driver Version is 181.20
– Sample Code –
// Just Create IDirect3DDevice9 and IDirect3D9
pD3D9 = Direct3DCreate9(D3D_SDK_VERSION);
hr = pD3D9->CreateDevice(pD3DD9);
// Just Create and Destroy
result = cuD3D9CtxCreate(&cuContext, &cuDevice, 0, pD3DD9);
if (result == CUDA_SUCCESS){
result = cuCtxPopCurrent(NULL);
if (result == CUDA_SUCCESS){
if (cuContext){
result = cuCtxPushCurrent(cuContext);
if (cuContext){
result = cuCtxDestroy(cuContext); // this must decrement reference count of not only pD3DD9 but also pD3D9
// Check Reference Count
if (pD3DD9){
ULONG refCount = pD3DD9->Release();
TCHAR out[256];
_stprintf_s(out, 256, _T("refCount=%d, refCount should be 0\n"), refCount);
if (pD3D9){
ULONG refCount = pD3D9->Release(); // this always returns "1"
if (refCount){
TCHAR out[256];
_stprintf_s(out, 256, _T("refCount=%d, refCount should be 0\n"), refCount);
return S_OK;
As you can see, this is in fact an Intel related leak when an NVIDIA card is being used in the call (Intel iGPU also available).
However, on an AMD processor, multiple calls result in a crash, thats another story.
Conclusion, the documentation for Direct3DCreate9Ex does suggest your program should call this only once at the start and then release once at the end. Any other calls and release to Direct3DCreate9Ex in between seem optimized and will not leak the Mutex handle in the Intel driver.
See the following to reproduce the leak:
while (true)
hRes = Direct3DCreate9Ex(D3D_SDK_VERSION, &pD3D9Ex);
int ret = pD3D9Ex->Release();
This information was obtained using drivers March 2020 form all GC providers.