Trying to play with nvgstiva-app using default config file PGIE-FP16-CarType-CarMake-CarColor.txt.
While it works when X11 server is running, it fails with the following error without X11 server:
Type 2 mean overlaysink, it access our hw DC directly.
While 3 eglsink use EGLImage+OpenGLes, it is based on X11, you must enable it if you want to support eglsink.
Good question, frankly I don’t remember. I think it had nothing to do with DeepStream or nvgstiva-app… We have multiple gstreamer installations and I was messing around switching from one of them over to another. Might have been some environment variables which were affecting it, but I’m not sure…
We got the " Failed to create ‘secondary_gie_0’" error on a freshly installed TX-2. After trying out for a while, “clearing the cache” fixed the issue.