if I don’t put the SD card back into the slot, my entire dmesg is full of this message. That’s not normal, is it? In my upload I have only shown a short part of it so that you can still read the other messages.
I made the patches, but my SD card no longer works if I should remove the max-clk-limit in step 2, which I set in step 1 before.
The Card Detect no longer works with the “nvidia, vmmc-always-on”, so I removed it for my case.
Please follow all the 4 patches I shared. If you hit error, share the log here. It looks like max-clk-limit and nvidia, vmmc-always-on is not the one that causes problem. Seems like your vmmc-supply and vqmmc-supply are the one the has problem.
Patch 1: Patch is included and no errors, only the “tuning done” problem, what is described in the post.
Patch 2: Patch is included and I got these errors:
Patch 3: I wanted to manually enter the changes from the patch in the kernel, but the changes are already available in L4T 32.5.1.
Patch 4: With all patches, the problem with the Card Detect did not recur and the errors from patch 2 were resolved.
But the original problem with “Tuning done, restoring the best tap value” remains.
I just have “cd-gpios = <& gpio TEGRA_GPIO (Z, 2) 0>;” added in the dts file and now the SD card does not recognize any more.
The development kits say “cd-gpios = <& gpio TEGRA_GPIO (Z, 1) 0>;” in the dts file.
Since GPIO08 is connected to GPIO_PZ2, my allocation is correct, isn’t it?