Sdkmanager flash error


The AGX-ORIN-64GB module with SDK

請你選下面那個"EXPORT LOGS" 然後把log貼上來

SDKM_logs_JetPack_5.1.1_(rev._1) (121.1 KB)

Are you using devkit or custom board?

The log in below should be from a custom board. If you all use same board to flash the board, please file a new topic.

If you are on devkit, then we can track on current topic.

I`m using custom board. so I want to know which version to burn for AGX-ORIN-64GB with custom board?

None of the version work. SDKM does not support custom board.
That was why I asked you to file a new topic…

NX 模块上电后,运行到这个就停下来,是什么情况?

Jetson UEFI firmware (version 2.1-32413640 built on 2023-01-24T23:12:27+00:00)

不確定. 都是case by case. 你需要提供更多info才能判斷